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Chanyeol's Pov

We are now in Singapore, we just finished our two day concert. It's so tiring but fulfilling. It also makes my sadness converted . Every time I hear our fans squeals, shouts and chants I feel happy. I'm missing Tamia every day, there's no moment that I think of her. My manager and Suho wants me to focus first on our tour. So I tried my very best not to contact Tami or my sister, I avoided to talk about her.

Tomorrow will fly again to Seoul then Hongkong will be our next stop for the tour.

I received a text from my sister.

"Channie, your next tour will be in Hongkong right? I want to go Channie, can you please give me 2 Vip/backstage passes for me and for Martin? please.."

I know she's weird, it's the first time that she'll ask a ticket to watch our concert, before whenever I invite her to watch she always say "Eww.. I can't stand watching you Channie." But maybe people really change.

"It's unusual huh. But sure sister, we'll be back in Seoul tomorrow, I'll just hand you the tickets." I replied

"Great! Thankyou Channie, Love you." her


Chari's Pov

I asked Chanyeol two vip tickets on their concert next week in Hongkong. I'll give the ticket to Tam, we planned to surprise Chanyeol on that day.


Tam's Pov

We are in our hotel room now, I am with Chari. Later we'll be going to Hongkong stadium where Exo's concert will be held. I'm nervous and excited. Chari already told me about the arrangement of Pamela and Chanyeol. He and the rest of the guys doesn't know that I have gained my memories . I am preparing myself to leave while waiting for Chari inside the bathroom.

After a few minutes..

"Thank God! I had grown mustache here waiting for you Chari Eun!" as I shot a glance at her, she just rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Whatever Tamia! I know you're just excited!" now it's my time to roll my eyes at her.

After an hour.. We are now riding a cab going to the venue.. We laughed at each other because we bought exo light sticks, the headbands with an exo member's name and some exo stuff. We're like mad fangirls. We walked our way towards the entrance and gave our passes to the bouncers. We have the vip passes so we entered the stadium without any hassles. We are on the front and beside near the stage, our spot is really close to the stage and I bet they won't notice us. After half an hour, the stadium gets noisier, it's already filled with the talks and loud conversations of Exo's fans.

"I think this will be a fun Tami!" Chari shouted on my ear because Exo's Growl is playing on the background already.

"You bet Chari!" I shouted back.

At exactly 7 pm, the lights were turned off and music stopped, an indication that the concert will start. We squealed and giggled along with the fans, until their hit song Mama was played, the VCR started and each one of them appeared. I heard the fans were squealing their hearts out. My fangirl mode is turned on now. Me and Chari are both jumping and singing along with the fans. They had performed Mama, Monster and Wolf then paused to greet the audience.

"Hana Dul Set.. We are One. We are EXO!" all 9 of them. Then they introduced themselves one by one.

"Goodevening Hongkong! It's been a while when we last performed here. It's great to be back!" it is Suho and the fans can't help themselves but to chant and shout.

"Suho's right and we are excited to show you what we have prepared." Baekhyun

"So sit back and relax. Let's enjoy the night and hope ya'll have a great time!" Chen

"Saranghaja!" All of them.

Then their recent song entitled The Eve was played. They positioned themselves and started to dance. My eyes are all on Chanyeol. I just chuckled when they did the body roll part. Loud squeals surrounds the arena. I turned my head to Chari and I just laughed because of her reactions, she looked disgusted watching her brother.

After The Eve, they danced Ko ko Bop then Touch It. I raised my exo lightstick and waved the other stick with Chanyeol's name on it. I'm getting nervous because each one of them are walking forward and now interacting with the fans. I saw Chari waving her stick with the print "Chanyeol, eyes here!" I'd say Chari is demanding. I saw Chanyeol and Sehun walking towards the edge of the stage on our direction. I want to hide. Chari noticed me.

"Hey Tamia! What are you doing?! C'mon they're approaching" I just smiled at her then slowly turned my back again facing the stage.

Chanyeol bend his knees and waved to the fans while singing, then finally he saw us. When our eyes met I just smiled awkwardly, waved my right hand and uttered 'Hi'. I saw how shocked he was, then he turned his eyes to his sister. Chari grabbed me forward and now we're inches away already to Chanyeol. He looks happy, flustered, confused and teary?

"We'll see you in the backstage later brother. Now get back to your senses." she patted him and he glanced at me again then stood up and continue with the prod, while me I was just froze and staring at them. After the song they gathered in the middle of the stage. While Suho is talking, I saw him whispering to baekhyun then suddenly baekhyun's eyes widen then seems that they passed the message to everyone. I saw Chanyeol with a wide smile.

"I think he told the other members that we're here." Chari leaned on my ear and shouted. I just look at her and shrugged.

at exactly 11pm the concert ended..

Me and Chari went to the backstage.

"Where are you going?" said the bouncer standing at the Exo's dressing room.

Chari raised our backstage passes then Suho came.

"We knew them, just let them in." He said to the bouncer. The bouncer smiled and we smiled back.

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