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Chanyeol's Pov

After the so called break up with Pamela, she no longer disturbed me. And I heard she was hospitalised because of her cancer. It's been 1 month and Tam still did not opened her eyes. We are still busy preparing for our upcoming world concert tour. We still have 2 weeks and we'll start the tour. I'm afraid that when Tam will wake up I'm on our tour. I want to be beside her when she opens her eyes. Everyday I'm in Tam's hospital room. Right now I am sitting beside her bed, her parents just left.

"Tamia, we miss your voice. If you're hearing me now, please know that I love you so much. Please open your eyes, It's so painful seeing you like this." I smiled and kissed her forehead. I felt asleep holding her hand.

I was awake because I felt Tami's hand moved. My eyes suddenly widened to my realization, she moved! I quickly check her and saw she opened her eyes slowly. I stood up and held her face. I called the Doctors and Nurses using the intercom.

"Hmmmmm.." I heard Tami groaned.

I am very happy now because she finally wakes up. I can't help but cry because of happiness.

"Tami? Can you hear me?" I asked her while she opens her eyes. She had hard time adopting with the lights, she's been asleep for a month, so for sure it pains her eyes seeing the light.

"W..he...re Am I?" She asked still blinking her eyes.

"You're in the hospital Tam. You've been asleep for a month. Don't force yourself to talk, the Doctor is coming already." I caressed her cheek.

"Wh..o a..re y...ou?" She turns her head to me.

It's just a three word question but I cannot answer. I suddenly do not know how to speak. I felt my tongue backwards. I became weak and my knees shaking.  My feet automatically stepped backwards and I leaned on the wall. My mouth is shaking and I want to hug her but I'm afraid she will get angry.

Then the Doctor came together with her parents.

I left the room. I cannot stand staying there knowing she cannot remember me. I seated on the chair outside her room. I just stared on the wall in front of me. I do not know for how long I've been staring it when my sister came and shrugged my shoulders.

"Hey! Chanyeol! I've been calling you many times! What happened? Are you Ok? Tita Tamara called me, she said that Tami finally wakes up?" Chari beside me.

"Yes, she finally wakes up." I replied sadly. I still did not face her.

"Then what are you doing here? Aren't you the one beside her now?" she asked.

"I was the one with her when she first opened her eyes Chari... But... she canno..t recognize me..." there I cried again. I heard Chari gasped and hugged me.

The doctor and Tam's father walked outside the room, then the doctor left. Tito Alex walked towards our seat.

"How's Tamia Tito?" Chari asked.

"Her vitals are all fine. She's in a very good state now, but... there's a part of her memory that she cannot remember.. The doctor said it's normal because her head was the part that was been affected badly when she got accident and been in coma for a month. Normally patients with same condition with Tam recover their memory after a week or sometimes months but depend on the patient as well, because there are times that if the memory is too painful for the patient to remember, that part will be erased permanently." The moment I heard it from his father I felt that I am hopeless now. I felt the world crashes unto me. I did not talk, I just listened to him and Chari's conversation.

"And what do you think Tito that Tami cannot remember?" Chari

"When she saw us entering her room, she recognized us. When she noticed that the Doctor speak Korean to the Nurses. she asked right away if where exactly she is, we told her she's in Seoul and she's so confused, she cannot remember that she's in Seoul. We believe that the memory she can just remember was when she's in the Philippines, and all the memories she had here were all gone." tito

"My God." Chari

"She asked us Chanyeol if who you are, you're familiar to her but when she tried to remember you her head hurts so bad. I think we should give Tamia time to heal properly. Let's just pray that she'll recover fast." I just nodded to what tito said, I felt that my heart is squeezed so hard and I can't breath.

They both stood up.

"Chanyeol let's get inside." Chari

I just stood up and walked with them.

The moment I heard Tami's laugh, I missed her even more. You know the feeling that she's in front of you, just few steps away but you cannot hold her, she did not even throw a glance to me. I just stayed in the corner and watched them. I was so jealous because she can remember my sister but not me. But I don't want to be self centered and force her to remember. I just listened to them cheerfully having a conversation. When suddenly Chari introduced me to Tami.

"By the way Tami, he is my brother Chanyeol." Chari grabbed me towards Tami's bed.

I saw her blushed and smiled.

"Hi. You were the one I first saw when I woke up, right?" I really missed her voice. I want to hug her badly.

"Ah yeah.. right!" I stuttered.

"You look very familiar."her.. it hurts so much

"He must for sure Tam, because he is a member of Exo." Chari

"Exo? What's Exo?" she asked confused. I really cannot stand this anymore.

"Chari her head must hurt, don't force her. Tita Tito, I'll leave now. Tami, get well soon." I left them right away.. I wiped my tears while heading to the basement, then drove my car.

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