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When she was about to sing the last song my sister called me, she wants me to play the guitar while tam singing. I did not bother to contradict, because I want it too.Its always refreshing singing with her. I stood up and brought the guitar to the stage. We were both sitting. I started playing the guitar, I sang the first part like we used to before, then we had a duet at the chorus part. I looked at her,thru the lyrics I can express what I feel.Our eyes locked,I can see sadness in her eyes.We almost forgot that we are in front of many people,the same feeling we had before everytime we play this song.We forget the world.

After the song, everyone applauded. She went to her table together with my parents.
Its already 11pm when the program ended and the guests have already gone.The boys went home already. While me, Ill be staying at our home tonight.Chari asked me to give tamy a drive home. I saw her standing, i walk towards her.

Chan:Tam. Lets go now. Or u just wait here? (I saw her surprised)
Tam:Huh?ahmmm..Ill just go with u.

We went down to the basement area,I parked my car there.We are currently in the elevator.I noticed her uncomfortable.

Tam:Huh?(she'always surprised)

I just smiled.

chan:About what happened 2 yrs ago. Maybe we need to talk over about it. I mean, I want us to be friends again just like before.Maybe I just need a closure.With you around,I cannot act normal knowing that we had a bad past.
Tam:Hmm.. yes, maybe we should chan..

We are already in my car.I started driving, we decided to go to a silent place,with no one around but just us. We reached the beach.
Tam's Pov

He brought me in the beach, the same beach we went to last 2 yrs ago.I dont know what is he thinking why all of the place, he brought me here.I walk ahead going to the seashore.I can smell the cold sea breeze,its dark and its the moon's rays serves as the light there.I embraced myself, I left my blazer in the car.I was playing with waves when he arrived and maybe he noticed me that I'm cold he let his jacket on me. I looked at him.

Tam:Hmm thanks Chan, bout you?Its cold here.
Chan:Im fine tam.(I saw him inserted his both hands on his pants pockets, idk but it looks so sexy)
Tam:The sea is so calm..
Chan:Yeah. Its always so refreshing looking at the ocean. I always do this when Im stressed.
Tam:really?You go here often?
Chan:Yes,since the day I brought you here. This has been my favourite place. (i saw him smiled bitterly)
Chan:Im really sorry tam with what I have done before.I know im such a coward and immature jerk.But pls believe me I did not intend to hurt you. (he looked at me straight in the eyes, I saw sadness in his eyes, He became teary)
Tam:That's all in the past chan. I already forgave you. (I smiled at him, assuring him that everythings fine. But Im not aware that there was a teardrop that escaped)

I turned my head right away when I felt the tears on my cheeks. He held my face and let me face him.He wiped the tears that's continously falling now.I sobbed and he hugged me tight.

Chan:U just dont know how i wished hugging u like this now tam. U just dont know how i missed you. Pls stop cryung now, I really hate it see u crying because of me.(He is smelling my hair,gently kissing it)

Tam:Hmmp... I hate u so much chanyeol but my heart always betrays me. I have missed you too so much chanyeol. Everyday i miss you. (Well, the walls I have built that surrounds my heart has completely fell down.This is the worst that I expected, confessing my love for him that never fades)

Chanyeol:Tam. Can we give ourselves a second chance? (his eyes pleading)

Tam:Im afraid chan, the pain I have felt before was unbearable. I dont know if I can still handle myself if it will happen again.(im confoused)

Chan:I know tam. But pls give me a last chance. I cannot promise that I will be a perfect boyfriend but believe me pls I will not hurt you again.Ill kill myself if i let that happen again.

Tam:Hmmmm..Im not asking you to be perfect. I just want u to be honest with me.

Chan:Hmm I promise tam.If you'll give us another chance.

I smiled at him and as an answer I kissed him on the lips. He was quite shocked but smiled afterwards. He deepened our kiss and hugged me tightly.The he suddenly ran and is shouting.

Chan:Yes!Yes!Yes! I love you so much Tamia Alexia!!!!!!!

I am just laughing looking at him. Yes, Im really happy.I will give ourselves a second chance, well infact love is a bet.You only have two options, whether to try or not to try.

Tam:Hey. Chanyeol. you are overreacting!

He walks towards me.

Chan:Im just so happy tam. U just dont know how i suffered when u arrived here giving me cold treatment. That was unbearable.

Tam:hmp. u deserved it! (jokingky said to him)
When we felt that its getting really cold,we decided to go inside his car.We dont want to leave first.We want to savour the monent and enjoy our company without others. We became comfortable instantly like nothing happened before. He kept holding my hand like i will escape from him.

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