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Chari's Pov~

I'm on our living room watching news while waiting for Martin. When a news about my brother appeared on tv. My eyes widened to what the news is all about. Chanyeol proposed to Pamela and were already engaged? The first thing that came into my mind is to call Tam. I know how painful this news would be to her. Instead clarifying it first with my brother, I called Tami first. But her phone is unattended. I guess she turned it off, she know that I will call her right away once I'll hear the news. I suddenly felt nervous, I trust Tam but I know this news will surely have a big impact to her knowing that she loves my brother so much. I instead called her secretary.

"Hi Anna, is tamia there? I cannot contact her."

"No maam, she actually went out early today, I think she left at 4pm and she cancelled all her appointments today and for tomorrow."

"What? hmm thanks Anna, but do you know where she is?"

"sorry maam but she did not told me, she was in a hurry earlier."

"Awwe ok anna. Thankyou, pls call me once you saw her or she'll contact you."

" Ok maam Chari"

I ended the call, after hearing what Anna said, I felt nervous even more. I don't know if where I can search Tam. She might be very hurt and depressed right now, I just prayed that she will not do things crazy.

I was walking back and forth when Martin came.

"Oh hon, whats wrong?"

" I cannot contact Tam martin. I'm really worried now."

"Hmm maybe her phone is dead batt, why are you so worried? What happened"

"I saw the news earlier about Chanyeol engaged with Pamela."

"What?? Is it true did you confirmed it woth your brother?"

"Not yet, but I know how this news will impact tami, it may be a true or false news."

" Do not be worried too much, We know tam. Maybe she wants to be just herself first, lets just give it to her. This is very hard for her for sure. It's best to let her express it to herself. Im sure shes fine right now."

"I know but I want to know atleast where she is or if she's fine."

Martin just smiled and hugged me assuring that tam is safe and sound.

We're about to go to my mom and dad's house to have a weekly dinner with them when my phone rang, an unregistered number appeared. I answered it right away hoping that this is tam calling.


"Hi goodevening, can i speak with miss park chari eun?"

"This is her speaking."

" Hi ms park, do you know delacruz tamia alexia?"

my heart suddenly beat so fast. I am very nervous right now.

"Yes, shes my bestfriend. Why? What happened to her?"

"She met an accident earlier, she fell off the ridge. She's now in the hospital, she's in critical state. Doctors are currently operating her."

Right there I cried already, knowing that something bad happened to tam. And shes critical, I felt like im going to faint so I sat down in the couch and cried loudly. Martin right away got my phone and answered it for me.

"This is chri euns husband, what happened to tamia?"

"Shes in the hospital now, In Seoul Medical Center"

"Ok thankyou sir for calling. we'll be there."

He ended the call. I cried so much and Martin comforted me.

"Hon, calm yourself. Lets go to the hospital right now."

He helped me got up. Then we right away drove to the hospital.

While travelling, I called mom.

"Mom." (im still sobbing)

"Oh chari, are you crying?"
I cried when she asked me that.

"Tell me chari, what happened, are you ok?"

" Mom, tam met an accident."

"Huh? what? where is she, is she alright?"

"She's in the hospital now, were heading there. Mom, she is in critical condition. "(I cried even more)

"Oh my god! what hospital? Lets pray that she will be fine."

"Seoul Medical Center"
Chanyeol's Pov~

In their Dorm..

They are in the living room.

"Chanyeollie, are you really sure with your decision to marry Pamela?" Lay

"Yeah chan, Pam is nice but how about Tami don't you love her anymore?"Xiumin

"Between us with tam, I dont think it will work any longer. I think I love Pam even more."me

"Marriage is not a joke chan, once you enter that there's no way to escape." Suho

"I know, I know.. I understand you all guys. But I will marry Pamela." me

"Whatever your decision and whoever you will marry chanyeollie, so long as your happy we will support you and be happy for you." kai

"Hahahahha.. Thank you guys."me

I got a call from mom.

"Yes mom? Is chari already there? I'll be going now."me

"No chan, we're heading to Seoul Medical Center now."mom

"Why? Who's in the hospital?"me

The rest of the guys listened to our conversation once they heard about hospital.

"It's tam. She met an accident an hour ago. Chari said, she's critical now." mom

I stiffened when mom said that. I felt my whole world stopped. I want to stop breathing.

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