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"Chanyeol? Are you still there?" mom

The guys replied since I'm really shocked and do not know what to respond.

Exo: Yes tita.

" Ah yes mom. (my voice is already breaking) I'll be there."

I ended the call and took a deep breath. I cannot stop myself but cry. Knowing how vulnerable tami is, and she met an accident. It really breaks my heart.

The guys comforted me. I stood up, If I can only fly right away to her.

"I'll go to the hospital."

Exo: Pls drive carefully chan. We'll follow you.

I ran going outside and hurriedly drive my car.

While driving, tears furiously ran down to my cheeks.

"Tamia pls hold on. My God! I don't know what will I do if something bad will happen to you."
In the hospital

Chari is speaking now with the doctor who operated tam.

Chari: Doc how is she? She's fine right?
Doc: The operation is still ongoing, her head was badly hurt. Lets just pray that she'll survive.
Chari: Oh my god. Lord please.
Doc: Where is her husband?
Chari: Ahm she doesnt have one, she's single doc.
Doc: ohh. her boyfriend?
Chari: She doesn't have a boyfriend either. But why you are asking?
Doc: Tamia may not be aware, but she's 5 weeks pregnant, and unfortunately the baby died right away when the accident happened.

Chari wants to break down to what the doctor said.

Chari: Oh my god. she did not told us.
Doc: I need to go back to the operating room. We'll let you know right away after it's done. Lets pray that tamia will be ok.
Chari: Ok doc. Pls do all the necesarry things to do to help tamia.

The doctor just smiled and entered the operating room already.

Chari's Pov~

Her baby died already, I pray that she will not follow her baby.

"pls tamia. Be brave and fight. I know you will survive."

I was like not on myself while walking towards martin. He right away helped me sat down on the chair. I hugged him and cried.

Martin: Pls be brave for tamia honey. She'll be fine.
Chari: Martin, she was 5 weeks pregnant and the baby died.

I felt martin stopped and looked at me.

Martin: what? oh my god. But Who's the father?
Chari: I guess its my brother.
Tam: but they broke up long time ago.
Chari: yes i know. But I feel that something happened to them after mom and dad's anniversary. And after that day I noticed tam being so sad and she changed. one time when I got back from Spain, I visited her condo and saw how mess her condo was there were many empty bottles of beer all around and she sleeps all day. Like shes very tired and drank.
Martin: But what happened?!
Chari: She did not told me but I have a feeling that chanyeol rejected her, I know that tam still loves my brother so much but he have Pamela already.
Martin: But if your right that chanyeol is the father of the baby, what happened. I mean they did it both then he rejected tam.
Chari: I know hon, i dont know either but i think because there's Pam. I know and i feel that chanyeol still have feeling towards tam. gosh i really dont know what he's thinking.
Chari's mother is rushing to where her daughter is sitting.

Chari: Mom.

She hugged her mother. Her father went to martin.

Mom: How's tam?
Chari: She's still in the operating room.
Mom: My god.
Chari: her doctor said her head was badly hurt.
Mom: Oh my god.Lord please help tamia.
Chari: Mom she was pregnant.
Mom: what? are you sure?
Chari: yes the doctor said but the baby did'nt make it. The baby died right away.
Mom: I know that tam loves chanyeol but I did not expect that she had a boyfriend.
Chari: She doesn't have a boyfriend mom.

Mom was about to speak when chanyeol came.

Chan: Mom, chari where is tam? How's she?

Chari stood up and brought chanyeol to the corner.

Chan: Pls dont say that she did not make it chari.
Chari: She's still under operation. But the baby did not make it.

The confusion is written all over Chan's face. He is unable to respond, he dont know what to respond. Knowing that Tami met an accident is still no sinking and now bearing that she was pregnant?He doesn't know that she's pregnant. But he knows that he is the father.

Chari: Yes, tami was 5 weeks pregnant but the baby died right away when the accident happened. And i know chan that you are the father, You're the only man tam loves. I dont ask you to explain to me now. Lets pray that tam will survive, she was badly hurt.

Chari left his brother in shocked.
Chan's Pov

My God! Im about to be a father but our baby died because of me. I cried again knowing that our baby is now gone and the woman that I love so much is in near to death condition, fighting for her life. I'm ashamed with myself, I left her that day hurting, I know that when she said that she'll have a shower she cried hard that day. I rejected her when she said she wanted me back.. God know's how much I wanted to crush her in my arms but I stopped myself before I even began.
Outside the operating room. After 2 hrs.

The doctors who operated tam finally went outside. Chari and Chanyeol right away approached them.

Chan: How's tam doc?
Chari: Doc how is she? (they said in chorus)
Doc: The operation went well. (Chan and Chari felt relieved after hearing it) However, we're not sure yet if when she will be awake. (Chari cried and chanyeol doesn't know what to say)
Chari called Tami's parents. And as expected they cried. They will fly the following day. Tami is now 24 hrs asleep, and still no signs of progress. Exo visited her and her workmates. Chanyeol is always there staying all day, all night waiting for tami to wake up.
Chanyeol's Pov~

I'm currently at tami's hospital room. It's been 2 wks and Tam's still asleep. I just exchanged with Tami's parents. I went here straight from our photoshoot and rehearsal. Im very tired but everytime I see tami, it all fades away. Im sitting on a chair beside tami's bed, Im holding her hand. I kissed it. I talked to her everyday even though she did not respond. Everyday I can't force myself not to cry. I can't help but blame myself to what happened to Tami.

Chanyeol: Tam. I will always be here waiting for you to wake up. Im sorry for being a jerk. I love you so much and it never fade. I have always loved you. Promise when you wake up, I'll fix everything. Sorry for hurting you baby.

I fell asleep while holding her hand. I was awake by her parents.

Tamara(tam's mom): Chanyeol. You need to sleep. Go home, take a rest. We'll accompany tami.
Alexander(tam's dad): Yeah, you're tita's right. You looked very tired. If tami will wake up, she won't like seeing you like that.
Chan: Thanks tita and tito but Im fine, I had slept.
Tamara: We meant A real sleep. Ok?
Alexander: We'll call you right away once tam will wake up.
Chan: Hmm ok tita tito, pls call me even just when she will move her fingers or any part of her body. I'll exchange you tomorrow.
Tamara: Yes chanyeol. Go ahead, Go get a rest.

I kissed tam's forehead before I exit the room. I bid goodbye to her parents.

Im now driving going to our dorm. When i reached home, no one's around. I right away went to my room and laid in bed. The moment my back felt my bed,my eyes voluntarily closed. I just feel how tired I am, its been 2 weeks when I didn't have enough rest and sleep. I drifted to sleep quickly.

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