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~~Ff day..

Tam's pov~

I woke up by a knock outside.I got the robe.It was Chari.

Chari: Gdmorning Tam. How was ur sleep?
Tam: gdmorning. I had a very nice sleep.
Chari: Did I wake u?
Tam:No I was already awake before u knocked.
Chari:Aww good. Breakfast is set. We'll wait there.
Tam:Ok Char.
Chari: And btw tam, Chanyeol left this passes for tonight's event, he gave me 3, we will go with u later. (showing me the 3 tickets)
Tam: Hahah thankyou, he left already?
Chari: Yes, he said they will have a rehearsal today.
Tam:hmmm ok. Ill get change first then I'll follow u.

I was relieved knowing that he left already, if last nights scene will happen again I dont know if I can still control myself, maybe the next time he will talk to me I will forget everything.


Chanyeol's pov~

I woke up early, its still 4am. I want to leave early because I want to avoid her. I took a bath, and left at 5:30. I gave 3 vip passes to Chari. I dont know if I can perform later knowing she's watching.I drove straight to our dorm, our call time will be 9am. So i can take a nap first.

Tam's Pov~

Because its still early, Chari strolled me. We went to the famous tourist spots of korea and restaurants. We had a great time. For a moment I forgot chanyeol, my attention was diversed. Its already 5pm when we got home.

Chari: Tam, lets rest first then we'll leave at 7pm ok?!
Tam:Ok chari, I dont think i can sleep, im too excited to check the things we bought today.
Chari: Hahah ur always like a kid.

I went inside my room. Im already in the guest room. I right away pulled out the stuffs we bought and checked it one by one. I was too amazed with the stuff when I checked my phone its already 6:30 pm, i almost forgot we'll going to the Music awards later where exo will be performing and also they are one of the candidates for the daesang award.I hurriedly took a bath and changed clothes. I wore the dress we bought earlier, I looked myself at the mirror. Its a simple white dress with floral print on it.It looks great on me 😂. Chari was knocking. Maybe well going.I opened the door.

Tam: Chari, is it ok?
Chafi: U look gourgeous as always tam. But btw tam, im really sorry something came up. We cannot accompany u.Hmp, we need to go to our wedding planner theres a problem about my wedding dress.
Tam: Hmp(i was disappointed coz im already excited) Its ok tam. Its fine, I'll just change clothes later.
Chari: No, u can still go there. I texted chan already that ull be alone there. After the show he said u can go with them.
Tam: ha? No. Ill just stay home.
Chari: Just go there, u have already the passes. Im sure ull enjoy it. Ill ask the driver to give u a ride.

Since i really cannot win over Chari, I went to the venue alone. But when I arrived,my mood suddenly changed. I get hyped looking at the fans so cheerfull. I got excited. This is my first time to witness the Mnet music awards or MAMA and also exo performing live! I went inside and showed my passes to the bouncers. They let me in right away since I have the vip passes. I am seated at the front where I can clearly see all the group.

The show did not started yet,on my front I can see the table where there was a stand paper exo written on it.So i believe they will be sitting in front of me.Which is 3 steps away only.I sat down already, took some selfies and pictures of the venue. Im now really excited for the show to start.

Chanyeol's Pov~

We are now on our dressing room. Waiting for the show to start. Chari texted me.

Chari: Chanyeollie We're about to go there but something came up very important. we cannot accompany tam. She'll be there now alone. So pls take care of her after the show. Here's her phone number.I also told her already that she can go with u after the show. Love you channie! Goodluck. Im sure u'll get the daesang award again. Mwuah

Well I guess, destiny is really making its way for us to be together. I texted her before the show started.

"Chanyeol here, pls tell me where u at. Lets go home together with the boys later"

Our manager said the show will start in a few minutes. My phone rang. Reply from tam.

"Hi. Hmm is it really ok to with u? Im also afraid to go home alone. So I will not decline the offer.Btw,Im in the front row.Actually 3 steps away from Ur table."
I replied.
"Haha yeah its really fine. Aww thats good.Hope ull enjoy the show." I smiled when I sent the msg, Im very happy having a conversation like this with tam eventho its thru txt only.Chen noticed me like a teenager smiling while texting.

Chen:Oh chanyeol! Ur like a teenager there smiling while exchanging texts with ur new gf huh.
Chan:Hahhaa mind ur own business Chen!

Tam replied.
"Yes, ofcourse! I have a feeling that u will still win the daesang award. Goodluck!!"
"Haha thanks. I think the show will start now. Our manager is calling us already"
"Pls msg me after the show. Ok?"
"Yes I will. Fighting! 😊"

I did not reply already because were already called.
Tam's Pov~

I think the show will start soon,the hosts were already on the stage. After a few mins, it started. All the artists paved their ways in front.They have already seated on their respective tables. The host announced that exo will be the one go perform now.Their songs were played and they appeared.I cannot control myself not to join the fans shouting while they are performing.Its like it was their concert.They have conquered the stadium.Fans gone wild because of their performance.Tey were interviewed by the hosts and after that they proceed to their table.I saw chanyeol looking around,im not sure if he is looking for me.I raised my exo stick for him to see me.He smiled when he finally saw me and waved at me.The other boys saw me as well and they waved hi to me.The fans exclaimed when they saw them waved to the crowd.I just replied them a two thumbs up.

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