Chapter 3

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Adrien relaxed the farther Marinette dragged him away from Chloe. He knew she could feel the tension slipping off him through his hands.

"I appreciate that," Adrien smiled at her. "I kind of froze when I saw her."

"I know, it's ok now. I won't let her hurt you," she smiled at him, giving his hand a final squeeze before letting go. "Come on we don't want our ice cream to melt."

Adrien followed her to the food court where they sat down, and worked on finishing their treat. He took quick glances at the girl before him as she stared off into the distance, licking her own ice cream. She truly was something else. They way she had stepped in and saved him from Kim. They way she treated to him, took care of him. Sure, maybe she was just being a good person. But to him it was more than that. It had been so long that someone other than Ladybug had treated him like he mattered, like he was a human being, that he found himself falling for her even more. And then when she asked to be friends, he thought he was dreaming. And to make it even better, she invited him to hang out and even made sure to pay for the tickets, and the ice cream he currently had in his mouth. It was surreal; he always wanted to make friends, hoping that this year he might get closer to Nino. But not only was that going to come true, but he'd also meet Alya, and Marinette was already his friend. It was as if some mysterious power took his dream, multiplied it tenfold, and then added a cherry on top. As ecstatic as he was though, he was also anxious and scared. He didn't want to mess things up, not now. He became friends with her as Chat, and now Adrien, and he wanted to keep things like that, at least for now.

"What are you thinking about?" Marinette wondered, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Oh um nothing," Adrien replied as he wiped his hands, finally finishing his ice cream. "Do you you think Nino and Alya want me here?"

"Of course they do, why wouldn't they?" Marinette asked, finally finishing her own ice cream and wiping her hands clean.

"It's just, I never talked to Alya...and I only talk to Nino during class," Adrien told her, looking down at the table.

"Hey, look at me," she leaned forward on the table as Adrien looked back up to her. "You need to stop being shy. Try to force yourself to talk more; I'm sure they'll get to like you once they know you."

"Yeah, you're right," Adrien smiled at her.

"Oh speaking of..." Marinette got up on her feet, waving off to the distance. Adrien followed her gaze, to find Nino and Alya waving back. They both walked over, meeting the duo in the middle.

"Alya!" Marinette hugged her friend tight. "Hey Nino."

"Sup," Nino greeted back.

Adrien awkwardly stayed behind Marinette so she turned. "Nino, Alya, you already know Adrien."

"How are you doing? Your eye seems better," Alya asked.

"I'm doing good, Marinette took care of me," he told them.

"I'm sorry dude, Kim was a real douche bag back there," Nino placed his hand on Adrien's shoulder for comfort.

"Thank you," Adrien smiled at them.

"Let's go, you guys are already late as it is. I don't wanna miss the movie," Marinette urged as they began to walk towards the theatre inside the mall. Marinette made sure she was beside Adrien as they walked in unison.

"I can't wait, I've been wanting to watch this movie for months," Nino told them

"Yeah we know, you won't shut up about it!" Alya mentioned, as the group chuckled.

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