Chapter 5

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"I think I love her," Chat happily sighed as he leant against Ladybug. They had just finished their patrol and were now resting atop the Eiffel tower, with his head in her lap.

"Who? Marinette?" Ladybug asked.

"Yeah," Chat hummed, thinking back to earlier today. After the whole incident with Alex, Marinette and him had met up with Nino and Alya to eat elsewhere and then go to the park to hang out. He sat beside Marinette, both leaning against a tree, as Nino and Alya playfully chased each other. There had been some band playing at the park and he found himself closing his eyes to the music, while relaxing against the girl beside him.


"Well...she's smart, brave, funny, beautiful...Something happened today, and it made me realize how amazing and wonderful she is. She reminds me a lot of you actually," Chat grinned. "I don't know, I just feel really comfortable around her. I don't feel scared, just safe and at peace. Being with her just makes me so happy, I forget about all my problems. Sometimes I just wish I could hug her, and never let go."

"Is that why you missed patrol last night, too busy hugging each other?" Ladybug giggled.

"Well kind of," Chat blushed. "We watched shows on her computer and then slept together."

Ladybug chuckled as Chat groaned. "I mean, slept next to each other...on the same bed."

"Well that's good to hear, I don't like the idea of you sleeping alone in that dark room of yours."

"I'm actually going to see her again today, she wants another sleep over."

"Sounds to me she likes sleeping with you too," Ladybug teased. "I think you should sleep over every day, don't go back to your room."

Chat scoffed, "I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I'd just be a burden. Besides she doesn't know about my situation, she'll probably wonder why I'm not going home to sleep on my own bed."

"Then why don't you tell her the truth?" Ladybug asked.

"Are you kidding? I can't!"

"Why not?"

Chat got off Ladybug and onto his knees, turning around to face Ladybug. "I don't know how she will react. I love her and I want to be with her. If I tell her, I'm afraid she might...I don't know, not want me. Or maybe she will see me differently or something."

"Well from what you've told me about her, do you really think she is the type to turn you away because you're homeless? She even knows you're poor but she still chooses to help you with food, and even let you sleep over," Ladybug argued.

"Yeah, you have a point," Chat sighed, dropping his head back onto Ladybug's belly. "Still, I'm scared."

"You have to take risks in life kitty," Ladybug told him as she caressed his hair. "And trust me, I think this one will work out."

Chat hummed, relaxing against Ladybug's touches. "I think I should get her flowers tonight."

"Flowers?" Ladybug giggled.

"Yeah, it's what you get for someone you like, right? Besides I want to make up for the sweater she gave me"

"Sure," Ladybug agreed. "If you're going to see her tonight, go now before she falls asleep."

"But, we just finished patrol, and I didn't even see you yesterday," Chat pouted.

"Chat," Ladybug raised his head so she looked into his eyes. "You're in love. So go and pursue it. I'll always be here at the end of the night."

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