Chapter 8

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Adrien checked himself out on the bathroom mirror. He was wearing the cleanest and most professional looking shirt he could find. It was a white dress shirt, which he began to button up over his undershirt. He tucked the shirt into his black dress pants, a pair he remembered 'borrowing' some time ago.

"Lookin' good," Plagg complimented from Adrien's shoulder while he ate his Camembert. A treat Marinette was more than happy to provide.

"Thanks Plagg," Adrien smiled, turning on the tap to wash his face.

"Where are you going to get the jacket and tie from?" Plagg asked. "You know this is a formal party right?"

"Marinette asked Nino for help on that since I told her I didn't have one," Adrien frowned. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind me borrowing his for one night."

"One date night," Plagg grinned, wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing fashion.

"Yeah, hardly," Adrien scoffed, combing his hair thoroughly, until it was neat and clean. "With Chloe there, it'll be more like me third wheeling their date."

"'re doing really good as Adrien around her," Plagg acknowledged. "Why don't you tell her who you are already so you two can be all mushy-mushy at school too?"

"Too soon Plagg," Adrien sighed. He grabbed some cologne Nino had given him a day earlier, spraying himself with a dose or two.

"Then when?"

"Later, alright. I'm not ready for her to know yet."

"Fine," Plagg grumbled. "But I don't think you should wait much longer, Adrien. I'm sure she will love Adrien as much as Chat."

"You may be a god, Plagg, but even you don't know everything for certain."

Plagg opened his mouth to retort, he wanted to tell his Chosen the truth, badly, but it wasn't his place. "Whatever, I hope you know what you're doing, kid."

"I do, now transform me, Nino and Alya will be here any minute."

"You know the magic words."

Adrien smirked, "Claws Out!"

His transformation lit up the entire bathroom, before dimming back to normal. He placed his comb and cologne into a bag, before opening Marinette's bathroom door.

"What are you drawing?" Chat asked as he noticed the girl lying on her chaise. Her position causing the back of the sketchbook to face him.

"Oh, nothing," she hummed with a smile.

"Nothing, huh?" Chat perked his eyebrow at her. He walked over to their closet, putting the bag away inside his duffle bag. He kept his clothes separated and hidden from her, so she wouldn't recognize Adrien in them. He trusted her not to peek inside either.

"Yeah, nothing," Marinette continued to doodle.

Chat grinned, and immediately pounced onto her chaise. He held her down with both legs straddled around her waist. "Show me, Marinette."

"No, Chat," she pouted, hugged her notebook close to her chest. "You're being a very bad kitty, get off"

"Not until you show me," Chat reached for the book. In his quest to remove the book from her grasp, he ended up tickling her instead.

"Ch-Chat...stop...please," she begged while she laughed maniacally in his hold. Squirming and trying to get away, while still clutching the book tightly close to her.

"I'll stop when you show me," Chat continued to dance his fingers across her toned belly. Her shirt had been lifted up quite a bit now, and his leather gloved hands found themselves touching her soft, exposed skin. But Chat didn't mind as he had gotten only more and more comfortable around her as Chat, given they did live together now after all.

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