Chapter 11

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"What is it Chloe? What did you want to tell me?" Marinette asked as she followed Chloe into a nearby closet.

The door shut behind them, leaving only Chloe and Marinette inside.

"You're not going to tell me to stay away from Adrien again are you?" Marinette joked, remembering the last time they were alone like this. "Because I'm sure you know that me and Adrien are officially together now."

Marinette stared at Chloe, who hadn't said a word this entire time. She was staring at the ground, she appeared almost shy, which was very unlike her.

"Chloe? Is everything alright?" Marinette walked closer, putting a hand on her shoulder. Chloe looked up with a slight blush.

"No it's not," Chloe mumbled.

"What's wrong Chloe?" Marinette asked. "You can tell me."

Chloe took a deep breath, and exhaled, "Marinette, I love you. I've been in love with you for a while now, and after seeing you with Adrien...I..I just couldn't let him steal you away from me."

"Chloe...steal?" Marinette scrunched her brows. Chloe then swiftly lunged forward, planting a kiss on her lips just as their door opened.

Marinette was shocked to say the least, but before she could deal with Chloe, she had to tell Adrien it wasn't what it seemed.

"Adrien!" She yelled out as she exited the room and began to chase after him. She couldn't imagine what would be going through his mind at the moment, finding his girlfriend in a closet kissing another girl, although that could be debated since she didn't kiss Chloe back.

Before she had a chance to go down the stairs after Adrien, she was stopped by a pull on her arm. "Marinette, let him go. He doesn't deserve you..."

"Who are you to tell me who deserves me or not!" Marinette snapped, snatching her arm away from Chloe.

"Marinette, he's poor, he can't make you happy like I can. I can buy you the latest dresses, shoes, anything you want. You deserve to be happy and I can make you happy...I love you," Chloe's hand floated closer to Marinette's face, but she slapped it out of the way.

"You don't know what love is, Chloe," Marinette grit her teeth. "And you certainly don't love me."

"Yes I do," Chloe moved forward but Marinette backed away. "You're beautiful Marinette, everything about you is. I love your hair and your pigtails. You're the prettiest girl in the school; you have the most beautiful smile ever. And unlike me, you're super smart and brave, especially during Akuma attacks..."

"Like I said Chloe, you don't love me, you lust me. There's a difference," Marinette scoffed.

"That's not true..."

"What's my favourite colour?"

"I...I don't know," Chloe frowned.

"What do I want to be when I grow up?" Marinette asked. "You said you liked my smile, well do you know what makes me smile? What tv shows I enjoy, or even the fact that I play and am good at video games?"

Chloe's face dropped in guilt, "I didn't know that."

"Did you know that I like to design in my own time, and I even sometimes knit and sew my own designs? Did you know that I made the scarf and sweater Adrien was wearing today?"

"You did?" Chloe awed.

"Yes Chloe. I didn't expect you to know because like I said you don't love me," Marinette sighed. "I considered us friends Chloe, because you got me gifts and stood up for me and Adrien. But now I'm starting to wonder if you did just so I will maybe love you, instead of you being a nice person."

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