Chapter 6

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Adrien stood outside after school, patiently waiting for Marinette. She had told him to wait since she wanted him to walk her home after. He was more than happy to oblige, wanting to spend as much as time with her as he could.

"Marinette!" Adrien waved, smiling as she waved back from the school steps. His smile immediately fell when he noticed Alex and Kim walking towards her. He was preparing to run, to catch up to her before they could even try anything with her. But he didn't need to, as Chloe came up from behind, wrapping her arm around Marinette's. Kim and Alex stared at Chloe, before turning around and walking away.

A pang of jealousy shot through Adrien. He was the one who should be protecting Marinette, not Chloe. But then again, Chloe did stand up for them both earlier that day. As much as he hated to admit it, Chloe was more effective than him. But still, that doesn't mean he didn't like what it had come to. He didn't like Chloe being around Marinette any longer than she had to.

"Hey Marinette," Adrien smiled as she walked over to him, awkwardly trying to fumble out of Chloe's grasp.

"Hello Adrien," she smiled back, and for a moment Adrien wanted to kiss her right there and then. But he was Adrien, not Chat, he kept telling himself he had to wait. He could survive through classes with her, he can get through the rest of the day too.

"So Marinette, what do you say about hanging out with me and Sabrina," Chloe beamed. "It'll be fun, just us three."

Adrien grit his teeth, trying his best to hide how he felt.

"Umm..." Marinette looked to him. "Actually Adrien was going to help me with some homework, right Adrien?"

"Y-Yeah, physics homework right?" Adrien caught on to her lie.

"Yup!" Marinette smiled.

"Well if you need help with physics, Sabrina and I can help you," Chloe interjected. "She's really good at it."

"So am I," Adrien argued.

"Yeah well Sabrina gets the best grades in class," Chloe smirked.

"How would you know? She could be lying to you about her marks!"

"Not possible since she does my work for me and I get 80's all the time!"

"Yeah? Well I get 90's and I do all the work myself!" Adrien snarled. Chloe crossed her arms as her and Adrien glared at each other.

"Um, Chloe," Marinette interrupted. "I think I'm just going to get help from Adrien."

"But..." Chloe didn't finish her sentence as a loud scream echoed from around the corner of the street. The three turned towards the direction of the sound, just in time to see people running down the street.

"Akuma!" someone shouted as they ran.

Adrien immediately grabbed Marinette's hand by instinct. He had to protect her first, make sure she was safe, before transforming into Chat Noir. He turned back in time to see Marinette lightly blush, just as Chloe ran off into the school.

"I have to get you safe! Come on!" Adrien ordered as he led Marinette into the school, following the hoard of students doing the same. Most of the students were running into the gym, as they were instructed to do during Akuma attacks. Adrien instead led her to a closet further inside the school, hiding her there in case the Akuma decided to attack the school.

"Stay here, you'll be safe! I'll be back!" Adrien ordered as he closed the door on her and ran down the empty hallway. He found an empty classroom to duck into and transform.

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