Chapter 9

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The pitter patter of the morning rain woke Ladybug up. It was Monday, a school day, and so she knew she had to get home soon. Chat lay beside her, his eyes still closed, and his face buried in a pillow she managed to sneak out of her house. Ladybug turned Chat's head over, examining his forehead. The cut had healed pretty well over the weekend since the incident on Friday; she hoped maybe Chat would come home now, Marinette was really missing her kitty.

It hurt to resist the urge to kiss him all weekend long since as Ladybug. She was just glad Chat had agreed to let Ladybug sleep with him, and feed him some food, after she had found him sleeping alone that night.

He breathed softy against her in contrast to the sprinkle of rain over their bodies. A gentle breeze waved his hair locks around, and her breath hitched at the beautiful sight, a sight she would never tire of. Ladybug leaned forward, taking a risk as she softly, yet quickly kissed him on the lips. She pulled back, playing with the misty locks of his hair as she watched him slowly awake.

"L-Ladybug?" Chat spoke softly, his eyes fluttering open at her. He placed a hand over hers, holding her hand against his hair.

"Good morning, Chat Noir," Ladybug smiled at him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, your family owns comfortable pillows," Chat got up, yawning as he rubbed his eyes.

Ladybug got on her own feet and started to fold the blanket she had stolen from her parent's closet, hoping they wouldn't notice it missing. She saw Chat standing at the edge of the rooftop, leaning against the railing as he looked out into the city. The light rain coating Paris in the morning dawn.

"Here, I got this for you," Ladybug gave him a bagel out of a bag she had brought yesterday night. She took one out for herself as she stood besides Chat.

"Thank you," Chat smiled, grabbing the bagel.

"The scar's healed now," She told him. "She won't even notice it."

"Finally," Chat weakly chuckled. "I really missed her." He took a bite as he sighed.

"I'm sure she missed you too," Ladybug squeezed his shoulder. "Are you going to go back tonight?"

"I might actually go right now and see her before she goes to school."

"Oh," Ladybug gulped, mentally noting to take a different path home. "You should really reveal yourself to her, especially now that you're living together."

Chat sighed, "I know. It's just...I'm just so scared."

"Listen to me Chat, there's nothing to be scared of. She loves you, she'll love whoever is behind the mask too. I'm sure of it," Ladybug assured him, rubbing his back.

"I know she will," Chat hummed. "I'll tell her this week. I will." He promised to himself.

"Good. I don't like seeing you like this," Ladybug frowned. "If I didn't find you..."

"Thank you for being there for me, for the food...for the warmth," Chat wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close for a side hug. "Thank you," he kissed her forehead. She smiled up at him, further leaning into his hug as they both stared off at the city.


Marinette held her breath as she watched Chat descend from her open trapdoor. Even though she had seen him just ten minutes ago, seeing him as Marinette was different. She felt free to completely express herself.

"I know I owe you an explanation," Chat cringed. "After Friday I..."

Marinette ran forward, silencing him with her lips. She grabbed his head, forcing her tongue to roam areas she hadn't been in for days.

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