Chap 30 - Family (Last)

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- Love, Life & Family -

Choi Jaemin berdiri di mimbar panggung, senyum tak lepas dari wajahnya. Sepasang matanya menyisir seluruh ruang Aula dimana seluruh teman-teman angkatannya duduk bersama orangtua mereka masing-masing.

Kepala Sekolah dan Guru berada di sudut lain, senyum mengembang di wajah para pendidik itu. Pandangan Jaemin terhenti pada satu titik dimana seluruh keluarganya berdiri memberikan semangat untuknya. Semua hadir, tanpa terkecuali.

Jaemin melirik selembar kertas berisi graduation speech yang telah disiapkan oleh wali kelasnya, namun ia memutuskan untuk menutupnya.

Dengan penuh percaya diri, ia menyalakan microphe dan memulai graduation speech-nya sendiri.

Welcome friends, family, and teachers that helped me get to where I am today. It is an honor to be standing before you on such a memorable occasion.

I want to start out by saying WE DID IT !

It has been an amazing journey and we'll never forget.

Three years ago, we walking through the doors of Seoul International High School and we had many memories over the course of our high school journey.

We had one goal in our mind and that was to make our mark on the school..... to make our mark on the world when we graduate. 

We have different choices but we're all bound by the same common cause and that is to GRADUATE!

We're here and together not just because we scooted our way past every year, but because we put in the hard work and the effort to get to where we are today and we could not have done that without friends, family and teachers that constantly encouraging us to keep up the good work.

I Wanna say thanks to all teachers, all my friend and specially for my Family. 

Thank you Siwon Hyung, you're always being my inspiration, Thank you Taeyeon noona, you always cheer me up, Thank you Seohyun noona, for always looking at me, Thank you Minho Hyung, for being my partner on crime. Thank you, Appa, you always take care of me. Last, Thank you Eomma,  i Know you'll always watching from heaven.

It's not about if you look good at school, it's about the legacy that you will leave when you graduate.

I pray that we will walk out of here today feeling proud of all we have accomplished over these last three years. 

And always remember, it's not about the friends that you make while you're in school, but it's about the really count memories that you leave behind.

Jaemin turun dari mimbar dan membungkuk hormat pada semua orang yang hadir, diiringi teriakan dari teman-temannya serta standing ovation dari semua orang yang ada di Aula sekolah.

Jaemin turun dari panggung dan berlari kecil memeluk Seohyun dan Taeyeon bersamaan.

"Noona bangga padamu." Ujar Seohyun.

"Good Job, Jaeminie..."

Choi Min-jong, Siwon dan Minho pun tak ketinggalan untuk melontarkan pujian mereka untuk Jaemin dan memeluknya bergantian.




"Hanna, terimakasih karena kau telah melahirkan anak-anak yang luar biasa. Seperti yang dikatakan Jaemin, aku juga percaya kau selalu melihat kami dari Surga. Terakhir kali kau memintaku untuk menjaga anak-anak kita, aku belum melakukannya dengan baik. Karena itulah mulai saat ini aku akan melakukannya, aku akan mendampingi mereka hingga pada saatnya aku akan menemuimu nanti." Choi Min-jong.

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