The Beginning.

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Okay so I'm writing the time Khan is in the Enterprise as two weeks because one day is hardly enough time for two people to fall in love and have sort of normal relationship stuff happen. Sorry for the change! Love you all!

The flight back to the Enterprise was long and silent, with a couple fleeting glances towards John Harrison. What was he playing at, and why were you suddenly part of it? You thought to yourself, wishing you were back in your room sleeping at this ungodly hour of night. But, you needed to keep high spirits. A happy crew means a happy captain, and you didn't want to see Kirk pissed off. Especially not when he's a needlepoint away from snapping John Harrison's neck. Speaking of Harrison, he was eyeing you like some sort of alien.

You scoffed.

"What, never seen a woman before? Stop staring." You snapped, looking away and frowning distastefully, running your tongue over your bottom lip. The blood lingered on your taste buds, and the searing pain flashed in a sudden burst as your adrenaline wore off.

You winced, gripping your arm.

"James, I-"

"I know, Sunshine, we'll be there in a couple minutes. You've held up this far, just hold on a little bit longer and we'll get you to Dr. McCoy, alright?"

You caught the look from Harrison as James said "sunshine". You could've sworn you saw jealous anger flash over his features for a moment. Your eyes must've been playing tricks with you.

You glanced over at Kirk.

"Captain,-" You whispered.

"How exactly do you plan to go about this? We directly disobeyed orders. I don't think Admiral Marcus will be pleased about that, seeing as he so eagerly allowed you your ship back. He won't be as eager to give it back if you have it revoked again after not following direct orders-"

"Calm down, Lieutenant. I've got this all under control. We'll keep Harrison in custody for a couple weeks, stall up communications between the Admiral and the Enterprise, and then just slip through a little message that we took a detour back home. Sound good?"

You rolled your eyes.

"Your plan needs work, and less loopholes. The Admiral won't be that easy to fool, and besides, what are we going to do with Harrison anyway? Play cards with him until he speaks? Befriend him and gain access to all his so-called 'hidden secrets'?"

"No, you're going to do that. You get to look after him." Kirk grinned.

You recoiled. "Wait, what?! You've got to be kidding me, I-"

"You've done wonderfully as a floater, translator, and most of all, as a friend. But you're hurt, and your stitches haven't healed up yet from the explosion a few days ago. I know because you still haven't leaned back in that seat even though you look exhausted. You're on guard duty."

"I can't believe you!" You growled, frowning and diverting eye contact. You'd get James back, you swore you would. You didn't deserve that. You were a great Lieutenant, but James knew you'd be the only one to do the job.

"You're adorable when you're mad."

"Shut the hell up, Kirk." You snapped, earning an unseen smirk from John Harrison, which you would've caught if James hadn't done something so irresponsible and stupid, and plain- just, no.

Kirk kissed you on the cheek, and you felt your face grow hot. Like, a lot.

"James, I don't really think this is the time or place or person you should be doing that with-"

"Really? Spock and Uhura-"

"We are not Spock and Uhura, nor are we dating." You grumbled, looking away and trying to hide your blush. Damn ladies' man. He always seemed to do something stupid, always. In the process of hiding your blush, the shaded figure of the cuffed John Harrison came into view as the ship jolted on the landing bay. The man was gazing at you with a small smile on his face, a face that sent shivers down your spine.

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