Day One: Falling.

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You rubbed your eyes and groaned, groggily stretching out your arms. Every one of your muscles ached, and your back stung like no tomorrow. Shit. Did you sleep in the brig? Your eyes suddenly became alert, and your gaze fell on the criminal. He was staring right at you as he sat on a bench, his posture impeccable as he stared more intently as the seconds passed. You blushed. He watched you sleep. Now that was something unnerving to think about. Handsome criminal watching you sleep from his jail cell? Yea, totally normal. Happens every weekend when you place your magazines on your shelf. Except the criminal is a celebrity. And the jail cell doesn't have any bars or glass separating him from you. So, just a handsome guy watching you sleep. Well, that has never happened to you before, and you didn't know how you felt about it.

"Did you have a good rest? It seems as if you re-opened your stitches, Lieutenant."

You furrowed your brow, reaching over your shoulder to touch your back.


Something hot and wet dripped down your hand and your eyes widened, your gaze still on... Khan? That name you'd have to get used to.

"You might want to go and get those sewn back up. I wouldn't suggest any strenuous activity, for your own safety."

You grumbled.
"Since when did you care about my safety, much less anyone else's?"

You glanced back and your gaze fell on an Ensign, working away on one of the control panels. She had pale green skin, and bright orange hair that fell past her shoulders. She looked extremely focused as she tinkered away, and you had to ask Kirk exactly who the Ensign was, because maybe you would want to hang out with them someday.


"Yes, Lieutenant."

"Watch over the criminal-"
You glared at Khan.
"-while I'm in the medical bay getting my stitches re-done."

The ensign nodded timidly, and skittered up to the main control panel as you walked away, training your gaze behind yourself on Khan. He followed your gaze as well, and suddenly you had an urge to do something rash. No. You couldn't. He was a criminal. You can't do anything of that sort with a criminal. You shouldn't even be thinking about that. Snap out of it! You broke eye contact with Khan and jogged lightly down the too-quiet halls, trying to ignore the burning sensation in your shoulder. Someone pushed past you, and you gasped as your mind was suddenly aware of the now fresh blood running down your back. You clenched your jaw and opened the door to the med bay.

"Bones..." You whimpered, no matter how hard you tried not to. You didn't want to be pitied.

Dr. McCoy glanced over, and his expression turned wild.
"Lieutenant! What in the hell happened?" He said, rushing over and completely ignoring the ensign he was attending to for a broken toe. You winced as he placed his hand on your back.

"Stitches, please. Stitches need to be re-done. I don't think I need stitches on my arm, though-"

"Damn it, __y/n__. If you had shown up yesterday to get your exam you wouldn't be in this much pain!"

"Sorry... I fell asleep in the holding brig..." You murmured, as a sedative was injected into your blood stream. You suddenly felt woozy, but sighed as the pain suddenly disappeared. Everything became blurry. Then, you fell into a deep slumber.

You awoke in a cold room, on a cold table. You grumbled to yourself, opening your eyes and viewing your surroundings. You were still in the medical bay, but it was exceedingly quiet as you shifted yourself, hopping off of the metal slab. You trudged to your room, not caring that you earned looks from many other Lieutenants and a couple Ensign. Speaking of which, you wondered how your Ensign was doing watching over Khan. You guessed you had to wait a bit longer to see, as you slipped into your room for a cold shower and clean clothes. You were out in ten minutes, and took another five drying your hair and throwing on a clean dress. You stalked up to the holding brig and your eyes widened as you noticed the Ensign running away and crying.

"Oh my god, what did you do?" You growled, running up to the glass prison. You glared at Khan, his back turned as he stood.
You crossed your arms as he glanced over his shoulder at you, a cold expression hardening on his face.

"She told me I was a criminal. So I corrected her."

"No, what did you say." You seethed, walking closer to the glass.

"I simply told her-"

"No." You snapped, scowling at him.
"No, start out with what you said. No paraphrasing or anything. Say what you said."

He scowled back at you, his eyes searching yours.



You growled.
"Alright, I'm coming in there."
You slid the device on the wall in front of Khan, swiping it open to force a larger hole to appear. You stepped through angrily, glaring up at the man who was a great deal taller than you, almost half a foot taller. He stared down at you emotionless, and you snapped. You punched him in the face, shouting.

"YOU DON'T DO THAT EVER AGAIN. HEAR ME?" You didn't even care that you were punching a murderer. A crazy, super human, murderer. How dare he. How dare he do that to a fellow crew member of yours. He didn't deserve to get off scot-free. He deserved to pay for all the lives he took, and all the people he's hurt. You panted, gripping your hand. Your center knuckle had split open, and you held it tightly.

"Are you finished, Lieutenant?" He asked, his velvety tone low and cautious as he stared down at you. This time, his expression was soft. You had to resist recoiling as you studied him, wondering what his sudden change in mood was due to. You sniffled, frowning. You gave a curt nod as you stepped backwards towards the hole in the glass, glaring at him. But, you miscalculated how far back it was, and started tumbling backwards out of the hole. You squeaked as soon as you realized you weren't falling anymore, and something was wrapped around you. Someone. Khan's strong arms held you tightly to his chest, as he said nothing. Your face heated up, your hands trapped between his chest and your own. You could feel his muscles through his shirt, and... This wasn't right. You wanted to pull away in your mind, but your body decided otherwise as you stayed in the embrace for a moment more. A voice broke the silence.

"Are you alright?" Khan's voice hummed in your ear. You were trying desperately to rid yourself of the blush on your face, and to calm your nerves and quickening heart rate, but to no avail. His voice was... Angelic. You didn't even care that he was a criminal, he was a specimen. No man aboard this ship even compared to Khan, and you regretted to admit that in your head.

"Lieutenant?" His voice snapped you out of your thoughts, as he suddenly released his firm grip, the contact missed immediately as you glanced up at Khan, your eyes meeting his. His eyes were filled with slight concern, but the rest of his face showed no emotion.

"I'm fine." You murmured, and stepped back and out of the hole carefully into the holding brig and out of the cell. You swiped the hole away, stalking out of the holding brig. Another Ensign was present with their back turned towards you, and you glanced over at them.

"Take over, Ensign. I need to take a moment away." You stated, jogging lightly out of the room. You gripped your hair tightly, letting out a frustrated sigh. What the hell was wrong with you?

You cannot fall in love with that man.

But what if it was too late?

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