Day Six: Trusting.

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The previous day you had entered the holding brig while Khan and Chekov were talking, and lets say that Chekov was a little more than flustered. He had run out of the room, his face beet red and his gaze locked on the ground. Dear god, you had no clue you had that effect on him; even though you had been friends for ages. Did he really feel that embarrassed about talking about you?

Anyways, today was a different day and you had pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind. Tomorrow would be one week that Khan had been on the Enterprise. Your shoulders suddenly slumped. What would your friends back home think, what would your friends on the Enterprise think of you falling in love with a criminal on a whim in under a week? You felt like a ridiculous school girl, desperate to find love. It was pathetic.

You wanted to bring something up to Khan, just to bring to attention the things on your mind. This whole... Loving thing, you weren't good at it. This was the first time you had ever really felt something connect this well, someone that made you feel that way. But what if it wasn't love? What if if was just plain attraction to appearances? You barely knew anything about Khan, and here you were, telling yourself in your head that you loved him. Girl, get a grip.

"Lieutenant?" A timid voice called out. You blinked dazedly, awoken from your thoughts. You smiled as soon as you realized it was Kyolla.

"Yea? What is it?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you were alright, you seemed to be falling asleep. You didn't get much sleep the night before last night, and I was wondering if it was my fault-"

You laughed lightly.
"It's fine, Ky. I got plenty of sleep, and in actually not tired right now. I've just got a lot on my mind, a lot to think about. I feel like I don't have that much time."

Kyolla giggled quietly.
"We're going to be on this vessel for five years, I think you'll have plenty of time to think about things." You frowned, sighing.

"I'm just thinking about Khan... I don't know what to do with him. He's absolutely mad, but there's just something about him that's interesting." You murmured softly, your eyes glancing over to Khan's sleeping form in his cell. He must be exhausted to be sleeping this much.

"Hm. I'm not sure if I can find that interesting factor, he just seems a bit off to me. Oh, and when do you get the stitches off?" Kyolla asked, smiling.

You crinkled your nose, thinking.
"Uh... Next week? Maybe? I've got to check with Bones, I haven't gotten the stitches checked out since I got them in. I should probably go do that." You laughed lightly.

"Lieutenant." Kyolla whispered, leaning closer to you, her gaze locked onto the glass holding cell.
"Look at Khan..."

You frowned slightly and turned your head to the prison. Your eyes widened. Khan was crying. You thought he had been sleeping, and he was good at faking it. He slowed his breathing and everything, causing you to believe maybe he was just a little tired. But he was crying.

"Kyolla... Wait here..." You murmured, holding your hand out to keep Kyolla at her position at the main control panel. You stepped up to the glass, and noticed your sweatshirt in Khan's arms. He must've done well concealing it, because you hadn't seen it yesterday at all, and you had completely forgotten about it being there. You glanced back at Kyolla, nodding.

"Lower the glass." You mouthed, and Kyolla frowned, doing as you asked. The glass lowered, and you stepped inside, and the barrier instantly came up, in regards to the prison, and Khan. His body went rigid as you stepped closer. You frowned.


"Lieutenant, I would advise you not to come any closer than currently, and in fact I would suggest you take a step back and reposition yourself behind the glass."

"I don't understand,-"

"No, you don't." The man growled, his body uncurling, as he turned away from the wall to face you, standing up.
"You never have, and never will. I can't just wait here on this ship, Lieutenant, while my crew is being held by an irresponsible Captain who doesn't know what he should do without orders."

"Khan-" You pleaded.

"Not a word. My crew is my family, __y/n__. Understand that, and you'll understand why I'm doing what I'm doing."

You frowned.
"What? What do you mean... What you're doing?"

Then, everything went black.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

You awoke in a familiar room, on a cold table. The air was chilly, and you went to rub your freezing arms, but you realized your hands had been tied down. Your eyes snapped open and you immediately felt nauseated at the sudden movement, your vision blurring. Shit, what was going on? Your eyes tried to make sense of the blobs around you, but to no avail. You'd have to reply on your other senses. Your wrists felt raw, most likely from rubbing against the straps on this cold table. Your head was numb, and you couldn't tell whether it was from pain or sedatives. You took a deep whiff of the air and nearly choked, it smelled of disinfectant and old people. Either this place was cleverly designed to appeal to almost all your senses to seem like a hospital, or you were in the medical bay on the Enterprise. But why, and what had happened to Khan? Why were you there? What happened?

You started to hyperventilate, trying to squeeze your hands out of the bonds on the table. Just a couple more tugs...

"Lieutenant, if you try and get out you will be relieved from your duties, and this ship."

You opened your eyes slightly, but the only form it could make out was something yellow. And you knew that voice... It was Kirk. Your body relaxed, and you let out a deep sigh. You were safe now, with him. A hand brushed your face and you smiled slightly, closing your eyes. You wanted to thank that idiot for being here for you... Because if anyone else came in there with you, you would have still been crazed. You leant your head closer to the hand, comforted by Kirk's prescience. It was the only presence you could trust at the moment. Khan... You didn't know what he did, but you knew that it wasn't good from the stinging sensations in your head and shoulders. Something soft pressed against your forehead, and you winced slightly.

"Sorry..." Kirk murmured, his voice close, and his breath tickling your nose. He smelled like mint. A sudden realization hit you: he had kissed your forehead. You felt your face heat up slightly, and you bit your lip.

"No, it's... Alright. Just sore. What happened, James?" You mumbled, opening your eyes slightly. You tried not to lash out in frustration when your vision didn't return to normal, as your sight meant almost everything to you. You couldn't imagine how blind people felt, how lost they must feel. Or maybe they felt at home?

"Well... Khan, he went a bit crazy. You have a major concussion. He just started overturning what he had in his cell, shouting threatening comments to the Ensign, it's like he just snapped. Like a wild animal."

You swallowed.
"What happened to the Ensign? Kyolla?"

"She stood her ground, that seemed to trigger Khan even more. __y/n__, I strongly suggest that you stay either in the medical bay or your room for the next couple days just so we can run some tests to make sure you're okay."

"What about my post? Khan..."

"We have Lieutenant Commander Simmons on that."


"No buts, Lieutenant. Right now, Khan cannot be trusted."

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