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"Put your arm through the hole. I'm going to take a blood sample." Bones said a bit grimly, and you drew your attention back to John Harrison. You made eye contact with the man as he strode up to the now-enlarged hole in the holding cell. Harrison broke eye contact with you as he pushed up his sleeve, extending his arm through the hole and staring down Kirk. You saw Kirk grimace at the other, and you glanced away, trying to hide a smile. Kirk was hilarious when he was in moods like this, always spitting out remarks that made no sense. You hoped he would say something stupid soon, the uneasy aura in the room was growing thicker by the second.

The familiar sound of the whir from the blood draw filled the room, and you coughed lightly to relieve the sudden silence.

"Why aren't we moving, Captain?"

John Harrison's deep, gravelly voice broke the silence as you hoped, and you glanced up. You already told Harrison why, you didn't see why he was asking James again, unless he didn't trust you. You frowned. He was the criminal, why didn't he trust you?

"An unexpected malfunction, perhaps in your warp core, conveniently stranding you on the edge of Klingon space?"

"How the hell do you know that?" Bones growled slightly.

"Bones..." Kirk warned.

"I think you'd find my insight valuable, Capatain..."

Ah. So that's why. He wanted James to be on his side. But most of all, he most likely wanted to scare James, to let him know that he was better. Observant. He wanted to intimidate them. Little did Kirk and Bones know, you were the one who told the criminal those facts. You felt a bit bad, seeing as you sort of betrayed the Captain. But, you didn't see why it was such a big deal that John Harrison knew that, as it was unlikely that he would be able to contact the Klingons for an attack or whatever the hell they could come up with.

Bones stashed the needle in his pocket and swiped the gaping hole away.

"We good?" Bones asked Kirk.

"Yeah. Let's go."

Spock, Kirk, and Bones all turned to leave, but a booming voice stopped all but Bones dead in their tracks, the doctor already dissapearing down the corridors.

"Ignore me and you will get everyone on this ship killed."

You could nearly see the heat radiating off of Kirks body, his anger boiling up and nearly bubbling over. You waited to see his reaction, his response. His plan.

"Captain..." Spock whispered.

"I believe he will only attempt to manipulate you. I would not recommend engaging the prisoner further-"

"Give me a minute." Kirk snapped quietly. Spock frowned and pivoted, stalking away, his footsteps echoing through the hall. It was only Kirk, John Harrison, and yourself in that empty room. You winced as you adjusted your weight, the remaining stitches on your back pulling and tugging on your skin. You noticed Kirk spinning around and trudging up to the glass, an expression that could set an entire village ablaze. Determination seemed to ooze from his pores as he prepared to speak. You stayed still and silent.

"Let me explain what's happening here." Kirk said with a tone that mimicked that of a police officer talking with a stubborn teen who had just nicked someone's wallet.

"You are a criminal. I watched you murder innocent men and women."

His tone was rising dangerously.

"I was authorized to END you! And the only reason why you are still alive is because I am allowing it. So shut. Your. Mouth." Kirk snapped, his stoic expression not faltering despite the obvious burning flame of rage in his heart.

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