Blooming Trouble.

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They made it through. Thank god. As soon as Kirk and Khan dropped their communications, Spock rushed over to Lieutenant Uhura. They whispered for a moment, and Spock spoke up.

"On screen, please."

"Stand by..." Uhura murmured, typing quickly as something buzzed to life in front of the crew on the bridge. You almost recoiled in slight horror - two Spocks.

"Mr. Spock."

"Mr. Spock." Suddenly, your Spock became slightly frantic.

"I will be brief. In your travels, did you ever encounter a man named Khan?"

The older Spock, shook his head, licking his lips and trying not to make eye contact.

"As you know, I have made a vow never to give you information that could potentially alter your destiny. Your path is yours to walk and yours alone." He rumbled, his voice grainy and tired. He sighed.

"That being said... Khan Noonien Singh is the most dangerous adversary the Enterprise has ever faced. He is brilliant, ruthless, and he will not hesitate to kill every single one of you."

Your gaze dropped to your feet, your hand reaching up to brush the ring hanging over your heart. The farther you ventured into this day, the more horrifying things you learned about Khan and what he had done in the past, and what he will possibly do in the future. Your heart ached and your head spun. Your fiancé was a murderer. How odd it had only struck you fully just now.

You glanced around the bridge, frowning and looking around at everyone's weary faces, full of eyes that were nearly hopeless. You ran out of the bridge quickly, panting as you rushed into your room and looted through your drawers, feeling the cool plastic of the cover of a small journal. You whipped it out, flipping through the pages rapidly before smiling slightly to yourself and snapping it shut. You ran back to the bridge, slipping in quietly and making your way to your seat again.

Spock was rushing around ordering around people, and you frowned slightly. Spock was really freaking out after the news the... Other Spock said. The fact that there were two Spocks in general was enough to freak any normal person out, but Spock seemed more concerned about the amount of time that the Captain was with Khan, and you assumed Scotty. You heard that he had snuck his way onto that ship thanks to Khan's coordinates.

"Agh-!" You glanced up at the noise over the speakers, and gasped. Kirk. And- Khan. Khan was twisting Kirk's arm behind his back viciously, using his other arm to press a gun to the back of his head. Khans eyes were crazed, his hair wild. Kirk grunted in pain, closing his eyes, wincing. Your eyes widened. No.

"I'm going to make this very simple for you." Khan seethed, smiling maliciously and pressing the gun further into the Captains scalp. You heard Spock yelling behind you but you couldn't make out his words as you stared dazedly into the face of your fiancé.

"Your crew for my crew." Khan spat out, growling as Spock stood there, motionless.

"You betrayed us-"

"Oh, you are smart, Mr. Spock." Khan drawled, smirking. This smirk was one you'd never want to see again. It was full of hatred and malice, and insanity. It frightened your core as you stared, not able to break your gaze from the giant screen.

"Spock, don't-" Khan slammed the butt of the gun against Kirk's head with a crack, his face contorting in hatred as the Captain crumpled with a groan.

"Spock, give me my crew." Khan seethed.

"And what will you do when you get them?" Spock inquired, his face becoming red with pent-up fury.

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