Day Two: Allowing.

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You had spent the night in your room contemplating facing Khan ever again, and pleading to Kirk for another position, anything. But a small part of you wanted to face your anxiety, and that small part also forced you to get out of bed and ready. You woke up especially early that morning, of natural accord of course. It was either that or seven alarms to wake you up. You started getting ready, but noticed something hidden in the back of one of your drawers. It was an expensive eyeliner, and you crinkled your nose at actually trying to look good for your job. It was your job, for goodness' sake. But... Something fluttered in the pit of your stomach when you thought of seeing Khan again, and you decided to put the eyeliner on, no matter how distasteful it was to use such fancy makeup for a regular work day. When you were walking down the halls of the Enterprise you got a few positive comments on your new look, and that boosted your esteem slightly about the makeup thing. You still didn't like the idea that the only reason you were wearing it was for Khan, though. You needed to put more thought into your actions.

As you walked onto the holding brig, your gaze instantly fell on Khan. You immediately glanced away, not wanting to make it seem like you liked him. Hell, if he knew you liked him, if anyone knew you liked him, a whole load of trouble would ensue. And, Kirk would throw a fit. He always looked after you in the worst ways, like telling you that some guy was a douche and you shouldn't date him. That's why you stayed away from dating for a while, partially because of James. But also for your own personal reasons. To put it short, guys were stupid and you had gotten hurt way too many times for another chance to be had.

You walked over to the Ensign working at the main control panel, and noticed it was the one that was working on the first day. You smiled.

"Ensign." The girl jumped, standing up clumsily. She straightened her dress out and stared at the ground.

"Lieutenant. I'm sorry, I was just here for a moment, I wasn't planning on-"

You smiled.
"It's alright, I'm not offended. What's your name? I don't think I know you."

The girl smiled timidly and tucked her orange hair behind her ear, clearing her throat.
"I'm, uh... I'm Kyolla. Most people just call me Ky, though."

You nodded and held out your hand, smiling a bit bigger.
"__y/n__. Nice to officially meet you, it's a pleasure. I hope Khan over here didn't give you any trouble while I was away."

She shook her head rapidly, staring at the ground.
"No, ma'am. He didn't."

You glanced over at the holding cell and smiled at Khan, raising an eyebrow playfully as if to say "Well, that's a surprise". The corner of Khan's mouth twitched upwards, and he looked away.

"That's good. You can remain at the main control panel for now, Ky. I'll be talking with the prisoner. Lower the glass, please."

You knew you were taking a chance. But you just... You didn't know. You were acting rashly, and you didn't know why. He was intriguing.

"Uh, what-?"

"It's alright, Ensign. I'm just going to be speaking with him. If anything goes wrong, gas the room and make him sleep."

The holding cell had special qualities in it that could spray the people inside with a diluted toxin that would induce a five-hour sleep. It wasn't a toy to play with, and there was a special code you had to enter for that to happen. You knew you could trust Kyolla with that task.

The glass lowered, and Khan stayed in his sitting position. You stepped into the cell, and the glass raised up again. You glanced at the Ensign.

"May we have some privacy, please?"

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