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It was 9 p

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It was 9 p.m in the evening when the banquet had started. The curtain of night sky arrived. Speckle of stars sprinkled across the black empty canvas like snowflakes. The moon illuminated its light upon the city dimly. The night was still young.

Guests entering with an invitation card in their hands. People chatting, mingling and laughing with a glass of champagne in their grasps.

The sound of a cling rang through the hall as people cheered. They were all people from another companies. Luxurious suits ㅡ glimmering dresses, fur coats. Jewelry that might had cost an arm and a leg.

'I really don't understand rich people.'

You thought inside and greeted other guests that were profusely entering the hall. Just few hours ago, Jungkook spat some horrible words in your face for the embarrassing scene you caused. At the moment, you really wished a hole was beneath your feet and swallows you up.

You completely dozed off and forgot to greet the guests but you could care less.

"Sunhi, can you handle this alone for awhile? I have to go get some fresh air."

You gave your friend an excuse. Before Sunhi even managed to utter another word, you stormed out of the hall and the building to breath in fresh night air.


Upon exiting the building, in a split of a second, your bare skin were nipped by vicious gust of breeze. You shivered involuntarily and stroked your exposed arms.

'Maybe it was a bad idea to come out here.'

You sniffed ㅡ your nose getting red like reindeer. You past your glance at the pedestrians walking by. A wave of nostalgia washed over you when you reminisced back to the past.

Back when you were a teenager, you always imagined that one day, you will walk on the street at night with your loved ones ㅡ hand in hand.

A smile curled up your lips as you remember how ridiculous you was.

"Are you okay, miss?"

Out of the blue, a man suddenly popped in front of your face ㅡ you jolted in surprise, automatically backing away with a small screamed pierced through the night.

"Oh God! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you."

The man apologized with a guilty expression on his face. You huffed in and out ㅡ thinking that your heart stopped beating. You creased your brows at the stranger who was actually clad in nice clothes.

Long brown coat drapped over his body. A black scarf cozily wrapped around his neck ㅡ covering half of his face. His hair was maroon in colour, reminding you of the macarons that you had ate the other day.

"N- No, it's okay. I was spacing out in such place."

You scratched the back of your head awkwardly and trailed of a small laugh. Your eyes sneakily stealing glances at the man who was still standing in front of you.

He shoved his hands in the pocket of his coat. Clouds of white smokes forming as he exhaled. His cheeks profusely turning red.

"Um.. are you not going to ㅡ"

"I broke up with my girlfriend today."

Your words were immediately cut off when the man voiced out. A hint of blue laced his tone as he tilted his head skyward.

You did the same and looked up at the sky.

"Why did you break up with her?"

You blurted out.

"I found out she was cheating on me."

You diverted your gazes to his face. Why was he smiling; you thought. But it was a feigned smile. All of his sadness surfaced on his expression as he relieved a sigh.

"That's terrible."

"Indeed, it is."

You really thought it was terrible. It was way more harsher and heart breaking than having unrequited love. You think that the stranger is amazing to still be able to carve a smile even after such an event.

"It's okay. My mother once said ㅡ some people only come into our life as a lesson for us. They will passed by and we will become stronger."

You smiled.

"I'm sure it's the same for you."

You tried giving a word of hope to him. Unexpectedly, he grinned, the redness of his cheeks made him looked like an innocent kid.

"Then would you be one of the plenty fishes in the sea?"

"E- Eh?!"

A fit of laughter echoed through the cold wind. His laughters seemed to creates a stream of warmth around you. Seeing the stranger happy made you relieved.

Glancing over at your watch, you saw how late it was and decided to go back.

"Oh God, I'm late! The opening of the ceremony must have started!"

You gasped.

"I'm sorry, I have to go now."

You sadly said to the stranger ㅡ whirling around to get back into the building. But your feet stopped in your track and your body did a half-turn to face the man once again.

"Also, good luck with finding your true love. I will be cheering you on!"

You giggled and hurried your steps to the building. You made it in time when you arrived. The guests were already propping down on the reserved tables. Your eyes fixed on Jungkook's figure who were amongst the other rich colleagues.

Little did you know, what will happen next.


I'm so happy I didn't get writer's block YET ajhsjs

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