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"Did you fired Sunhi?" You had entered Jungkook's office without a knock and startled him with your sudden appearance. A mad frown graced upon your dainty face - you crossed your arms over your chest, waiting for his reply.

Jungkook were staring at you with his fountain pen which probably cost an arm and a leg. He twirled them around his thumb and forefinger. "Yes, I did. You don't need to thank me. I did my job." Jungkook smiled. You were rather vague - whether it was genuine or not.

"Don't worry. I am not here to thank you."

You retorted with an upsetting tone laced somewhere deep inside your voice. You were boiled with anger at his bold actions. Even though you know, she was the reason for the stretched relationship between you and Jungkook. You thought that it had really went too far. Jungkook's smile faltered from his lips and his face drastically distorting to a menacing one.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook responded, anger and confused layered his voice. You knew he was trying to surpressed his anger. It was scary for you but you wanted him to not do anything unnecessary anymore.

"You didn't have to go that far. It wasn't too serious. You're being a drama queen, Jungkook." You accidentally spoke too much before halting. After that, you awkwardly removed your gaze from his. It was pretty much expected that he would be angered and you could feel his nasty aura coating the room.

"I - I mean, you were -"

"Oh, so what you are saying is that I am an idle person?" His sentence cut yours without hesitation. Your eyes widened. You were afraid and your hands were forced into submission. The atmosphere in the office was thickened and Jungkook was consuming you mentally just by glaring with his deathly eyes.

"Then, get out. If you don't like me prying into your business."

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