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You sauntered along the busy street. Another day in distress had fallen upon you. Jungkook's words carved deep inside your very soul - even the sound of footsteps couldn't penetrate it. He didn't tried to understand the situation from your perspectives. You wondered; how long will your relationship with him lasts.

"Oh look. Isn't it the CEO's wife, Jeon Eunhee?" A voice finally managed to interrupts your clouded thoughts. Raising your chin, you glanced around in a haste, trying to find the source of voice from earlier.

"I'm here, dork." You felt a light tap on your shoulder and you whirled around. "Seriously, you never changed." Your eyes rounded - not expecting Sunhi out of all people.

"A - are you okay, Sunhi?" Was the first thing you said, guilty washed over you even though it wasn't your fault she had lost her job. "Yah, I'm fine. I don't need your pity." Sunhi brushed off while sarcastically rolling her eyes. You smiled in relief, glad that she wasn't down.

"I'm sorry though. For even causing you trouble since the start." Sunhi suddenly apologized. It sounded sincere and you could see her cheeks flushed red. "It's fine. It wasn't that bad." You laughed awkwardly, feeling warm inside. In fact, you already forgave her because she was your friend.

"Yah! Don't forgive me so easily! You made me feel worse!" Sunhi suddenly shouted while smacking your arm playfully. It brought you back to the old times when you and Sunhi used to talk alot together. "Sunhi, maybe I can talk to Jungkook about this? I'm sure you will get the job back." In a split second, her smile slowly faded and a serious expression stressed on her face.

"No need for that, Eunhee. I'm fine. I don't want to see that man's face anymore." She beamed a smile, somehow you could feel a hint of blue laced in her tone. After a few minutes, you finally decided to go back to Jungkook and.. apologise.

"Good luck on that, Eunhee. I'm sure he'll understand." Sunhi gave words of support which puts up hopes inside me. I retorted with a small smile before bidding her a goodbye. Sunhi's words were still chiming in your ears.

"It is my first time seeing Jungkook acted like that for a girl. You must be very important to him so in return, you must make him your most important person too."

a/n: y'all I'm sorry my chapters are getting short lately. I've decided to shorten it because it's easier to write that way. And there will be honeymoon chapters wink wonk

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