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You had been avoiding Jungkook for several days

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You had been avoiding Jungkook for several days. In the morning, afternoon, evening and night. You sighed, contemplating on how would he reacts if you tell him about it.

'Maybe he would file a divorce..?'

Just the thought of it made you gulped a big lump inside your throat.

Speaking of the devil, Jungkook descended from the flight of stairs. Your heart suddenly started to race. Your whole body turned stiff as your eyes made contact with his. You quickly diverted your gazes, not wanting him to speak a word to you.


Suddenly, your phone buzzed in the pit of your pocket. You were startled and jolted as you motioned your head to your jacket. Fishing out the phone ㅡ you saw Jung Hoseok's name on the bright screen. He had sent you a message.

"What's wrong? You wanted to meet up all of a sudden. But sure, we can meet. I'll be at the cafe nearby the ice cream parlour. Don't be late!"

You read Hoseok's message. You forgot that you had sent a message to him few minutes ago. It was a bad timing since Jungkook saw your phone and creased his brows at you.

"What's that message?"

Hot breath crept at the nape of your neck and you shrieked ㅡ almost falling off. Jungkook had sneakily went and placed his face near yours and you couldn't help but be fluttered inside. You shifted away from Jungkook who was standing behind the couch. Your heart still thumping crazily.

"N ㅡ nothing. Just a friend."

You didn't know whether it was a lie or not. Your hands gripping on your phone tightly, wishing that he hadn't seen the message.

Jungkook however didn't buy your talk. He narrowed his eyes at you as he approached you ㅡ this time, closer. A scowl wore on his face and he inched closer.

"Are you sure you're telling me the truth?"

His eyes threatening as he spoke under his breath. His low and intimidating voice made your stomach stirred uneasily. The ambient turning grey as you drowned in an awkward silent.

"Why... would I lie?"

You hesitated.

At last, you didn't want him to speak anymore ㅡ not wishing for him to comments something harsh, so you sprinted out of the house. You left Jungkook with a hanging question.

'I'm sorry, Jungkook.'


Entering the coffee shop you had promised to go, you could smell coffee beans and toast wafting in the air. The shop was accompanied with a small chatters of couples. A cup of steaming hot coffee accompanied them as they talked with their beloved ones.

As your eyes wander, you spotted a familiar figure sitting at the window seat with a warm cocoa in his hand. His eyes staring outside the window ㅡ watching the people passed by.


You shouted his name and in a mere second ㅡ his head turned around faster than you imagined. A smile slowly made its way onto his lips ㅡ ready to brighten up your day.

"Eunhee! Come, sit here."

He gestured with his hand and you embarrassingly walked to him and sat on the opposite seat. The waitress came with a note pad and ball pen in her hands ㅡ ready to take your order.

"Um.. I'll have a caramel macchiato."

The waitress jotted down your order before throwing a smile at you. A few minutes later, the waitress came again with a cup of caramel macchiato in her hand. She placed down the cup on the table before leaving.

"Did I made you wait too long?"

You asked, worried that you had really made him waited for so long.

"No, no. I just came here. Don't worry."

Hoseok denied with a smile flashed on his face. A small giggle trailed your lips as you put on a stiff smile. You sniffed ㅡ glancing at Hoseok's drink which were already almost drained out.

'He did waited for me that long.'

You whispered a sigh.

"I'm sorry."

You genuinely apologize.

"For what?"

Hoseok still feigning innocence.

"For anything wrong that I had done to you?"

You laughed, playing along with him.

"Like what?"

"I always troubled you."

You admitted ㅡ glancing down at your hands as you squirmed in your seat. You were glad that the coffee shop were filled with chatters. You wouldn't want anything too awkward to happen.

"No. You never were."

Hoseok denied again. His perplexed expression brought you to a small chuckles. A pressured silent once again settled between the two of you.

"I've been curious.." you added.

"What really happened the night we went for a drink."

You watched the water motioned in circle as you spoke softly.

"Well.. you were seriously drunk."

You gulped ㅡ your gazes finally met his. Hoseok snatched a quick glimpse at your back before beaming a smile at you.

"We even kissed."

He said ㅡ his innocent smile suddenly turned into a playful smirk. Your eyes widened. You were half-expecting it. You were hoping it was not true.

And you terribly hoped he hadn't heard it.

"So, that was all about."

You heard a familiar voice spoke behind you. Swiftly, you turned around to see an intimidating eyes staring at you. Anger flashed behind the pair of brown eyes.

It was Jungkook and you really hoped it was just a nightmare.



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