bonus chapter (1)

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it has been a year and a half since jungkook and i got married. we have went through so much together and I felt grateful that none of it tore us apart. recently , jungkook have been treating me kindly and he was more honest. it was awkward at first but I'm getting used to it.


suddenly, jungkook's hand wrapped itself around my waist. his sleepy voice was so cute I couldn't stop grinning. I felt that he was trying to pull me closer to him.

then, I stared at his sleeping face and saw his messy brown hair framing his small face. his lashes are long and his mouth were slightly open. it reminded me of when I saw him sleeping in the car while waiting for me.

"are you done staring?"

jungkook suddenly spoke with croak voice. I was startled and removed my eyes away from him. but that didn't stopped him from teasing me further. after that, he slowly rolled to the other side of the bed and his warmth that was covering me, dissipated.

I saw him grabbing his box of cigarettes before snatching the lighter. my eyebrows creased as he lit the cigarette and put it between his lips. for some reasons, jungkook started smoking several days ago. and two days ago, I saw him finishing one box in a day.

what has gotten into him?

"jungkook, smoking is bad for your health. your lungs will turn black and you will cough until your alveoli pop -"

"i'm fine. do I seem like I'm dying to you?"

jungkook replied - a cloud of white smokes escaped his mouth and nose as he closed his eyes. I fan the smoke out of my face and pouted at him. even though he is becoming more kind and lovey-dovey to me, he never listens to what I say.

"fine! but don't come to me if you're dying!"


how great.

I said all of that harsh things and totally forgot that he promised to go on a date at the park with me. we were strolling around the park, jungkook was walking in front of me while I followed him from behind.

I always love his back. how broad and big it is compared to mine. I felt small and safe if I stayed behind him. but then, jungkook suddenly took a turn and went to seat on a bench nearby.

*why did he stopped?*

i shrugged it off before scooting over to his side and stared at his face. jungkook looked as if he was troubled with something. sweats were trickling down his temple as he inhaled and exhaled heavily.

"crap. I can't hold it anymore."

jungkook fumbled something inside his coat before taking out a box of cigarettes and smoked. his face looked relieved and satisfied after smoking the cancer stick. the cloud of white smoke were fleeting in my face and I coughed.

I frowned at jungkook but he didn't seemed to care about it.

"i told you to stop."

"like I said, I really won't die. this ain't enough to kill me. and I can't stop. I'm addicted to nicotine now."

addicted? I thought. he was addicted to nicotine. this might sounds stupid but I am feeling very jealous of the nicotine right now. how did the nicotine seduced him? I'm his wife so why is nicotine the one that gets his attention!

"stop smoking! I don't want you to smoke!"

I tried to grab the cigarettes between his fingers but he held it up high so I can't reach it. a small smirk escaped his lips as he teased me.

I was very much irritated at the moment. I was really worried that it would kills him yet he tried to ignores my advice. what am I to him? is the cigarettes more important than me?

"give it!"

I said, my hand reaching the cigarette and my skin accidentally made contact with the lit cigarette.


I hissed in pain. my skin was burnt by the lit cigarette. a flare of pain pricked my fingers but I could see jungkook dropping the cigarette after that.

"idiot! why would you do that!"

jungkook said before quickly pulling my hand closer to him. he gently blew on the burnt on my fingers - I could feel his warm breath hitting my skin and the pain slowly dispersed. I knew, my cheeks were flaring up and my head was fuzzy and my heart was drumming fastly.

"is cigarettes more important to you?"

I asked, actually was afraid because he usually will scold me for asking useless questions.

"it is."

he exclaimed. I felt my heart sank down to the bottom of my stomach as I looked away from him.

"but you're more important to me."

jungkook continued. I looked at jungkook's face but he wasn't staring at me. although, I knew he was secretly smiling. my face lit up in happiness as I nodded while letting him gave my hand a treatment.

"if I'm more important than cigarettes, than would you stop smoking?"

I asked and jungkook quickly nodded. I thought I saw it wrong but he really did nodded. he agreed to stop smoking and I couldn't help but hugging him. jungkook didn't managed to finished tying up my hand with his handkerchief.

my arms were tightly secured around his neck as he puts his on my waist. no words could expressed how much I love him and I really believed he feels the same way.

"but in one condition.."

jungkook suddenly uttered though I didn't pay attention to him. I was too busy digging my face further into his warm coat.

"you have to kiss me everytime I feel like smoking."

"sure... wait, what!"

I pulled away from jungkook while I stared at him with wide eyes. jungkook flashed a mischievous grin before putting a hand on the back of my head. he inched his face closer to mine - my breath hitched in my throat at the sudden close of gap.

"and I feel like smoking right now so..."

without having the chance to speak up, jungkook gently pressed his lips on mine. his lips were softer than mine and he was also a good kisser - which made me craved more for his lips.

though, the both of us didn't noticed the fact that there were several people at the park looking at us kissing.

after a while, jungkook finally broke the kiss. I was panting heavily while staring at his eyes which said i-want-more.

"let's continue this at home."


does anyone have any good book recommendations? 🤧

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