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+ eunhee

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+ eunhee

After taking a long warm shower at Sunhi's house, I put on the pajamas that Sunhi had lend to me. It took me thirty minutes to find her house after getting lost and chased by a stray dog.
The pajamas were a bit tight and followed my body line as it were too small for me. I know my body is bigger than Sunhi and unattractive.

Why did Jungkook even married me? He could pick someone more physically attractive like Sunhi; I gloomed. A second later, I realised that no matter what topic I bring up, it will always ended up with me thinking of Jungkook.

I smacked my cheeks ㅡ trying to push away any thoughts that relate to Jungkook. At least for one night, I want to forget about him. My mind was bleary in that car. His scent were still lingering and his eyes were still raw in my head.

What was it? The feeling that felt warm and ticklish at once. Why did I touched him and why didn't he push me away? Does he feels the same way as I do?

"No way." I denied with a sheepish smile on my face. Out of the blue, Sunhi's head popped up between the gap of the door. I almost fell on the floor ㅡ thinking it was a ghost since she was wearing a white mask.

"Who were you talking to?" Sunhi asked, her hair cascading from her shoulder. I shook my head in denial, "N ㅡ no one." I smiled awkwardly. Sunhi only nod in agreement and soon after, I followed her into her room.

Her room is very pretty, princess vibes radiating from every corner of the room. Girlish and pinkish unlike mine, plain and dull. The radio was tuning to Michael Jackson and the room is drowned with soft fragrance. Sunhi plopped down on her bed, continuing to polished her toes.

"Ah, if you want to wear a mask, there's another want on the nightstand." Sunhi pointed at the nightstand beside the bed. I nodded, walking towards the nightstand. There was two packs of face mask. Strawberry and kiwi. I decided to take the strawberry.

Snatching the face mask, my gazes suddenly caught on a thick book hid between the bed and nightstand. I glanced over my shoulder to see whether Sunhi was watching or not. Knowing that I was invading a person's privacy, I brushed it off as something normal. Grabbing the book, I found myself smiling ㅡ knowing that it was yearbook.

Flipping the pages, I saw a familiar face on the picture. A boy that looked gloomy and serious, standing beside a nerdy looking girl.

For some reasons, the boy strangely look identical with Jungkook.

But what shocked me more was that the nerdy girl resembles Sunhi a lot.

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