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+ eunhee

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+ eunhee

"I had always set my eyes on Jungkook. Always." Sunhi repeated. A soft frown landed on my perplexed face. Shock and confusion mixed in my already hazy mind as her words registered into my head.

And I just had to ask her another question - asking for more poking pain.

"Since when.. have you been in love with him?" The word in love rolled off my tongue - having a bitter and distasteful sound it. Perhaps, it was the disease I really hope I hadn't caught on.

Jealously; might I called it.

Sunhi smiled - a cynical ones. A set of pearly teeth displayed as her grin turned wider than the Cheshire cat. I was knocked off mentally in the first minute but contained my composure after. "I had liked him since high school and to be honest with you, Eunhee," she paused briefly before continuing, "I really wish you would file a divorce with him."

The conversation were turning down hill and I knew that the atmosphere had dropped. A peculiar look was shot at me, as if wanting me to have a reaction towards her sudden confession. I was rather swept off my feet at it and had no idea on how to reply. I had lost my phlegm - wanting to do nothing but excused myself.

"Oh god, I have to go to the toilet so bad right now. Nature is calling." I lied terribly with anxious face and excused myself. "I know how you feel, Jeon Eunhee." I stopped in my track - chills ran down my spine as I could feel a dagger-like glare creeping up my back.

Striding towards the door, I stepped outside the room with a loud slamming of the door. My heart was literally thundering against my ribcage non-stop. I brought my back to lean against the door. Little did I realised, my hands were shaking involuntary and my chest were heaving badly.

But it didn't worried me. I was more conscious with what Sunhi had told - no, warned me. It was very much unexpected and sudden. All I could think was; had I stolen someone else's love? A strong wave of remorse washed all over me. If I had known, I would have...

Would I?

My thoughts were becoming invalid and all that I could envisioned in my head was Jungkook. I had the sudden urge to call him but I stopped abruptly. What if he was sleeping? It was already 12 o' clock. I might be bothering. But I was persistent.

It was peculiar feeling. I was all of a sudden feeling needy and I missed him.

I tapped on the phone icon before hearing the line getting through. After a moment, the call was picked up as fast as lightning. A sound of clanking bottles could be heard in the background yet no sign of Jungkook's voice.


Then, I heard his voice. His low and husky voice were soothing enough to make me missed him more. Just a while ago, I was wishing to forget him for a night but here i am, already missing me deadly.

"Are you okay?" I heard Jungkook's tone filled with genuine concerns.

And I couldn't helped but sobbing silently on the other side of the line.

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