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I unwrapped the towel around my head as my dampened tangled hair cascaded down my back gracefully

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I unwrapped the towel around my head as my dampened tangled hair cascaded down my back gracefully. My heart was throbbing from nervousness. I was only wearing a silk robe without any piece of clothes inside. Isn't that dangerous? They say, men turn into a beast when they are with their loved ones.

But is he in love with me?

I had just took a warm rinse after the kind of romantic moment in the rain. Strutting to the bed, I saw Jungkook laying down on the bed with nothing but a robe. A magazine was in his hands while he skimmed through every pages. I gulped anxiously - remembering the kiss we shared.

What should I do? I'm acting very stiff and awkward.

"What are you standing there for? Come here." He snapped me out of my trance - patting the empty space on the bed beside him.

There he goes again, saying words like that. They manipulated me and I only fell further in Jungkook's labyrinth. I still can't comprehend him. What does he feels towards me? Maybe he hugged me and kissed to give comfort as a husband. I could just be imagining it by myself.

Shaking my thoughts off, I went towards the bed and plopped down beside him. My heart was thumping - loud in my ears and painfully as I got more closer to him. A sweet fragrance of citrus fruits lingered on him and I gave a moment to inhaled it.

"Your hair.." In a flash, Jungkook shifted closer to me and brought his face up close. I gasped loudly in response as his slender fingers reached for my lock of hair.

I was surprised. Really surprised when he gently touched my hair. He inched closer - so close. I can feel myself melting as if he was a scorching hot sun. My cheeks were probably too obvious but I didn't care. Our small gaps were good for me.

"Your hair smells like strawberry." Jungkook stated with the softest tone I've heard today. His hand never leaves my hair and I sat still like a statue as I look in other direction.

"Oh, yeah. I used a shampoo that I brought the other day. It was new." I nervously tried to striked a conversation but Jungkook just replied with a long hum while he continued sniffing my hair.

Does it smells that good? Thanks to that, my heartbeat just got onto a faster pace and soon, it might just escapes my ribcage.

"I find it hot. This scent on you."

I stopped thinking whatever I was thinking. My heart was racing as if it would be my last feeling it. The silence that was dreaded over us pressured me. Our one centimetre gap made me flustered and frantic.

"I was kidding," Jungkook suddenly brushed it off smoothly, "don't tell me you took it seriously?" He laughed boisterously. I find somewhere in my heart, laid a disappointment.

I didn't want it to be a joke.

For now, I know, the distance between me and Jungkook was finally closing. The gap was getting smaller between us but I still can't understand him fully. A part of me still is being vague. Is he serious or joking; I still can't figure out.

Though, I wished to cherish this moment if something were to happen again in the future.

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