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You and Jungkook entered the ice cream parlour

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You and Jungkook entered the ice cream parlour. There were few customers sitting while eating ice creams. Couples dating, kids with their parents.

As soon as Jungkook stand before their presence, everyone glanced to look in your direction, but they were not looking at you.

They were looking at Jungkook. The girls who were with their own partners, couldn't remove their eyes from him. You didn't realised, a frown had landed on your face.

"Let's go sit quickly."

You uttered to Jungkook as you walked towards the vacant seat. Jungkook tailed behind you before sitting down on the seat opposite from you.

You started to wander, why did Jungkook brought you there? Deep inside you felt happy but this is Jeon Jungkook, you're sure he had something hidden up his sleeve.

"Eunhee. Eunhee!"

You snapped out of your trance-like state and stared in total dumbness at Jungkook.

"What do you want to eat?"

"There's only ice cream so obviously, I will eat ice cream."

You answered nonchalantly, realising how rude you sounded
ㅡ you covered your mouth with your hand. The situation was becoming more awkward and you wished for nothing but to go home.

'What is the point of doing this anyways?'

You let out a loud sigh boldly, once again, didn't realised Jungkook were staring at you.

"I want the blue moon flavour."

You said, but actually didn't really care about it. Your mood has gone down in the drain. As soon as Jungkook left the table for the counter, you saw two girls in the corner staring at Jungkook with a sheepish smiles on their face.

"Don't you think that guy is hot?"

"That girl over there might be his girlfriend."

"She's not even that pretty. What did he sees in her?"

The two girls giggled afterwards and you didn't felt angry.

Because it was the truth. You knew yourself that you weren't pretty.

'Those two girls shouldn't be looking at appearance only. That guy is a real devil. A devil!'

You murmured inside with a slightly begrudging expression etched across your face. Jungkook had then bought the blue moon ice cream in his hand. He saw your odd expression and wondered what has got into you.


Jungkook placed the small cup of ice cream on the white table before sitting down on his seat.

"Where's yours?"

You asked.

"I don't want one. You can eat that up."

Jungkook exclaimed ㅡ fishing out his phone from his pocket before focusing on the screen. You felt disheartened for nothing. Enjoying ice cream by yourself even though your partner is with you, is weird and awkward.

'Why did I put on high hopes for? It's Jeon Jungkook I'm talking about. There was no hope of him liking me in the first place.'

You made yourself felt dejected and stuffed your mouth with the cold creamy ice cream. It was delicious but didn't made you feel happy.

"Hey! Hey! You're so good-looking! Can we take a picture for a moment?"

The two girls from earlier suddenly approached Jungkook quite boldly in front you. The ice cream on your mouth spilling as you eyed Jungkook to see his expression.

"Ah... Sure."

Your eyes widened at his response.

'Why are they acting as if I'm invisible? I'm sitting right here.'

Before you could even protest what Jungkook had said, he took the girl's phone and stood beside her before taking a picture. His head was very close to the girl's cheek. An unknown pain expanded inside your chest as you observed them.

"By the way..."

After taking a picture with the girls, Jungkook whispered to one of them. The girl's face turned into a sheepish smile as she suddenly landed her eyes on me.

"Okay, handsome. I got it."

The girl said to Jungkook after he whispered in her ear. A smile leaving off Jungkook's lips as the girls walked away from the parlour. You sat there ㅡ unfazed. In a daze on what just happened. Sucking in a sharp breath, you stood up ㅡ ready to leave.

"I'll leave first."

You muttered, not exactly waiting for Jungkook's response.

"You can go to my car first ㅡ"

"It's fine. I'll take the bus."

You replied half-heartedly before fleeing away. Though, before you managed to fled out, Jungkook grabbed your wrist ㅡ preventing you from leaving.

"What is going on with you these past few days? You're acting pretty weird. Locking yourself in the room and the way you talk against me."

Jungkook said, his tone getting louder as each words rolled off his tongue. Those tongue only spat venom and you wish it wouldn't caused you to have a little death in your heart.

You spinned around, facing Jungkook. You yanked your wrist off his grasp. That was also the first time you did it.

"Even if I tell you, you won't understand."

You ran out of the ice cream parlour, you pumped your muscles, running as fast as you can ㅡ as far away as you can. The heartbeat you felt a second ago had already disappeared. You touched your wrist ㅡ the part where your skin made contact with Jungkook's.

'Am I really giving up on him? It hurts just thinking about it.'

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