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Lucas is walking home from his job. Mind you it is seven o clock at night.

Lucas: my mama gonna kill me

Dashawn: nahh my mama really gonna kill me

Lucas: (laughs)

Dashawn: ay which way you going

Lucas: through the alley then around corner. You?

Dashawn: nigga I'm just going up the street

Then they heard footsteps following them

Lucas: uhh

Dashawn: uhh who is it

It was Parker

Parker: what the hell- ohh hey Lucas

Lucas: i told yoo ass to leave me the fuck alone

Parker: but baby I can't

Dashawn: baby??

Parker grabbed Lucas by his collar and started to tongue him down

Sydney p.o.v
Oh my lord

Lucas: she mouth raped me

Me: eww

Lucas: i know right

He was brushing his teeth super hard

Me: you probably got day old dick juice in ya mouth

Lucas: eww syd ewww

Lucas started drinking the mouthwash

Me: ayy be careful with that shit

Lucas had spit it out

Lucas: fuuck that go get the bleach or some water

Me: why- imma go get some water for you

Lucas: thank you soo much

Me: boy then got mouth raped..just ewww
End p.o.v

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