Get popped

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Stasia p.o.v
Camilla walked into school weird as hell

Bree: um why are you limping

Camilla; uh I'm not limping

Me: yes you are

She rolled her eyes

Me: I bet it's something to do with Lucas

Camilla: psh psh ahha noo

Bree: girl you and that boy been all hu-

Camilla: shhh damn

Me: ouuu I knew you was gonna get a nigga

Bree: yeah..them type of people be freaks on the low

Camilla: (laughs) oh my god

Out the corner of my eye I noticed Parker and her girls were walking around us or look at us

Me: here comes this hoe

Bree; uggh

Parker: soo um what's up with you and Lucas

Camilla: shouldn't be worried about yo other man

Parker: yeah I'm asking about man

Bree: girl just stop foreal

She rolled her eyes at Bree

Me: roll them again and imma-

Camilla: y'all I got this

Parker: you ain't gonna do shit

She pushed Camilla shoulder back..
End p.o.v

See Parker needs to understand that she can't get away with stuff. This girl been picking on Camilla since school started and now she tryna do this bullshit with Camilla and her boyfriend now like what the fuck.
When Parker pushed Camilla..camilla saw red after that. She grabbed this bitch face and started punching the fuck out of her

Parker: (screams) get her off of me

Stasia: bitch shut up

Her friends were cheering her on to fight back. Ehhh she only got to hits in that's all

Bree: iight Camilla that's enough

Camilla: no it's not

Parker: (screams) ahhh

Teachers came and broke it up. Camilla wanted to beat her ass some more so did Parker

Parker: you betta watch ya back


Stasia: this bitch is weird

Bree: (mumbles) what in the hell did I just witness

Camilla knuckles was bleeding and her face had a scratch on it. While Parker lip was busted and her earring ripped her ear. This fight ain't over just watch

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