Rumors part 3

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Camilla p.o.v
I feel bad for weird boy- erm I mean Lucas

Bree: I feel like he is going to snap

Torion: sis he already did twice today

Me: dang

The bell rung

Me: see y'all

Them: bye Camilla

I walked around the corner and bumped into Lucas

Me: i am-

Lucas: it's cool shorty

Me; Lucas are you fine

Lucas: I'm good..just waiting for this hoe to get beat

Me: (laughs)

Lucas: it ain't funny I'm dead ass serious

Me: oh I-

Lucas: I'll see you later

Me: um okay

I kept walking down the hall
End p.o.v

Torion p.o.v
I can feel the tension in the room

Dillyn: something bout to pop off

Sydney: it's obviously gonna be-

Me: baby I don't want you to snap-

Lucas: everyone shut up

Sydney: as I should snap on this trick ass bitch

Parker: who you talking about

Lucas: my sister is talking about you

Half of the class was recording and others were tryin to stop it just like the dumb teacher

Parker: boy bye don't act like you wasn't on all of this

Me: guurl don't nobody-

Sydney: I bet ya pussy stank

Parker: just like ya mamas

Dillyn: why did you have to bring up mamas why

All I know is Lucas jumped over the desk and tried to attack her. I grabbed Parker and the grabbed Lucas. This was another side of Lucas I neva seen before...
End p.o.v

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