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Lucas p.o.v
Truth is I'm straight I'm good..still the same old weird nigga y'all love and know

Torion: man I'm soo hungry

Bree: nigga it's food in the kitchen

Torion; yeah but I'm too tired to get up though

Me: well I guess you gonna starve

I went back looking at the tv

Camilla: ooor your sister can get-

Bree: now why would I do that. I don't like this little boy

Torion: you need to stop lying

They started arguing

Camilla: anyway Lucas could we talk in private

Me: sure sure

I followed her ass to the other side of brees house



I laughed at her

Camilla: are you good baby

Me: yes i feel wonderful it ain't nothing wrong with me

Camilla: mhm

Me: I'm still the weird nigga you met

Camilla: okaay then Lucas

She was still looking at me funny

Me: well are you good

Camilla; yeah I've just been annoyed lately bu-

Me: it's Parker isn't it

Camilla: maybe

She went back down the stairs so did I
End p.o.v

Torion p.o.v
They smirks on their faces

Me: aww hell nah

Bree muted the tv

Bree: okay what the hell is going on with y'all

Lucas: well technically it's nothing

Camilla: no it's Parker again

Me: I thought that hoe disappeared or something

Bree: nah nah she been laying low but eh

Me: I say beat her ass

Lucas: or ignore her

He sat down on the carpet

Camilla: either choice is good with me

Me; woooow
End p.o.v

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