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Parker p.o.v
Back to being petty bitches

Girl: ooou here he comes

Girl2: you mean they

Me: wait what

I turned around from my locker to see Camilla, stasia, Javon and Lucas

Dashawn: hoe what did you do know

Bree: she did something stupid babe

Me: soo you brought ya-

Javon: hushhhh girly

Me; I wa-

Stasia: we said huuushsh child

Lucas pushed them to the side

Lucas: soo what's up

Me: oh nothing

We all stood there in silence

Camilla: Parker quit lying your acting like a brat

Me: that's cause daddy right there won't spank me

Stasia: can I punch this bitch already milla

Lucas: first of all I ain't ya daddy and-

Me: yeah okay

I tried to turn back around but stasia punched me and i fell

Me: yoo

Camilla: try again bitch

Me and this hoe got into a fight with Lucas hitting me in my head
End p.o.v

Stasia p.o.v
I broke a nail

Javon: you good

Me: yeah

Dashawn: ya straight baby

Bree: I'm great I'm wonderful

We was sitting in my car

Dillyn: ayy

He banged on my window so I rolled it down

Me: yes bro

Dillyn: which one of y'all fucked her up again

We looked at each other and laughed

Dillyn: what I'm-

Me: it was ya cousin and lucas

Dillyn: you serious

Me: yes I am
End p.o.v

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