Home girl part 2

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Bree p.o.v
In detention with Dashawn and he not paying me attention

Dashawn: bro like you gotta play this new game

Lucas: what is it called

Dashawn: fortnite that shit is lit as fuuuck

Me: Dashawn

He ignored me again

Me: Dahsaaannw!!!

He turned back around and Lucas put his headphones in

Dashawn: breee whaaat do you want

Me: I just want to say hey

Dashawn: you serious caus-

Me: noo..when did y'all become friends

Dashawn: who

Me: ya know you and weird boy a duh

Dashawn: like maybe five weeks ago

Me: welll damn..why-

Dashawn: Bree don't worry about it

I turned my attention to Lucas

Me: heyyy

Lucas looked at me then went back to his phone

Me: (whispers) why the fuck he soo rude

Dashawn: (whispers) ya know he anti social

Anti social my ass he needs some manners
End p.o.v

Dashawn p.o.v
On the second floor at Torion locker

Torion: you know my sis wouldn't like that

Me: ya tripping boy..Bree loves roller coasters

Torion: no she don't

Well I know one roller coaster she likes (grins)

Me; fine

Torion: you know Lucas thought Bree and stasia was hanging with hoe ville

Me: (laughs) oh woow

Torion: I had to check my bro

Parker walked up to us

Me: aren't you suppose to be messing with a boy

Parker: how about you mind ya business

She walked up to Torion and grabbed his dick

Parker: tell ya girlfriend to act right or imma have to give you something

She walked off and Torion face was red as an apple

Me: you okay

Torion: no..no I am not
End p.o.v

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