That nigga

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Vier p.o.v
Finally Lucas wants to talk..after the three weeks

Me: wassup

Lucas: hurry it up

Me: look bro why you acting like a weirdo

Lucas: well maybe cause I thought yo ass was my friend but you got my ass jumped

Me: I mean you had it com-

He started walking away

Me: aww man forgive me

Camilla: baby talk to him

Me: yeah listen to your girl

He turned back around

Lucas: I'll forgive you but-

Camilla: aww here we go ( throws hands up)

Me: but what

Lucas; I can't fuck with you..we not friends

He shrugged at me and gave me a stank face


He started getting back in his car

Me: I wanna be friends with yo ass

Camilla: nah I'm good dude

Me: girl come on

I grabbed her arm

Me: now I know you only messing with him for his dick

Camilla: I'm sorry what did you just say

She snatched her arm back

Me: I-

Lucas: Camilla come on

Camilla: coming baby

Me: bye bye Camilla

I waved at her stupid self
End p.o.v

Parker p.o.v
Imma snitch on her

Me: stasia

Stasia: ughh

Javon: ignore it

Me: I saw yo friend talking to another nigga

Stasia: g-

Lucas little sister pushed me into the locker

Me: whore

Sydney; ya grandma is one

Torion: (laughs)

Me: it ain't that funny

Sydney: she was with Lucas talking to the boy FYI

Me: yeah okay heffa

I rolled my eyes at them

Me: she ain't slick though
End p.o.v

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