No idea part 2

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Camilla p.o.v
Stasia just ran up on me

Me: girl you just scared the mess out of me

She pushed me on my locker

Stasia: girl tell me the truth..what is going on

Me; I mean me and Lucas broke up

Stasia: how long was y-

I pushed her off of me

Me: for three weeks damn

Stasia: well-

Me: I got this imma talk to him in class

I walked into class and sat next to Lucas

Lucas: I guess you not ignoring me no more

Me: I wasn't ignoring you I just didn't see your ass

Dashawn: ouu shots fired

Lucas: bro stay out off this

Dashawn went back paying attention to the teacher

Me: soo what's the problem

Lucas: well nothing now

Me: (coughs) Parker

Lucas: look don't-

Dashawn: oop she dropping hoes names and shit

Lucas: can we talk in private milla

Me: I mean we should but you telling niggas I broke ya heart and shit

I got up and moved to the back of the class

Dashawn: y'all gonna fuck after this anyway

Lucas: nigga shut up
End p.o.v

Dashawn p.o.v
Following these niggas to the parking lot

Me: soo y'all back together or what

Lucas: um

Camilla: ummm

Me: um what niggas

Lucas: I'll call you later iight

Camilla: ya-

Parker: Lucas baby what are you doing

Camilla: should I handle her or-

Me: I got this shit

I walked up to her ass

Parker: oh hey Shawn Shawn

Me: Parker could you please leave the whole crew alone

Parker: or what

She licked my face and walked off

Me: that bitch is ruthless
End p.o.v

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