That nigga part 2

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Dashawn, Javon and Bree saw vier and Lucas talking outside. At first they wasn't gonna say shit. But they walked over there and vier got hella scared!!

Dashawn: wassup

Javon: wats hatnin bro

Bree looked vier up and down with disgust in her eyes

Vier: uh hi

Javon: whatchu yo ass doing around these parks

Lucas: yo chill man

Javon: don't tell me to chill bruh

Lucas: man whatever

Dashawn: you gonna answer my brother question or what

Vier: I just came by to apologize to Lucas damn

Lucas: that's all he was doing

They went back talking

Bree: well sorry for us tryna protect yo ass

Vier p.o.v
If these niggas run up on me again imma have to pop they ass

Lucas: I'm sorry about that bro..they my new friends and-

I looked back at them

Me: it's cool mayne

Lucas: soo we good

Me: yeah we Gucci

We dapped each other up

Me: well I gotta go

I walked past his so called friends

Bree: bye

Dashawn: baby don't say bye to that nigga

Me: bye girl

I waved at them and laughed my ass off
End p.o.v

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