Chapter 3: On Their Way to Work

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As Monstropolis woke up, a bicycle bell rang as the rider tossed a newspaper on Mike's, Sulley's, and Y/N's doorstep. Then all three came out with lunch boxes.

"I'm telling you, guys, you're going to be seeing this face on TV a lot more often," Mike said confidently.

"Yeah? Like, on 'Monstropolis's Most Wanted'?" Sulley asked, making Y/N laugh.

Mike laughed mockingly and responded, "You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth grade, pal."

They kept walking until Mike pulled out his keys.

"Whoo! Okay, Sulley, Y/N, hop on in," he instructed about to unlock his car.

"Nope. Uh-uh. Uh-uh," Sulley said while Y/N shook her head.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Where you going? What are you doing?" Mike asked, confused.

"Mikey, there's a scream shortage," Sulley answered.

"Yeah. We're walking," Y/N added.

"Walking?!" Mike exclaimed.

"Yep," Sulley answered.

"No, no, no, my baby," Mike pleaded, trying to get in the car.

"Come on. Come on," Sulley urged, pulling him out.

"Look, she needs to be driven. Bye, baby. I-- I'll call you!" Mike exclaimed as he tried to get back to the car.

He finally gave up and they walked.

"Hey, geniuses, you want to know why I bought the car? Huh?" Mike asked.

"Not really," Sulley answered.

"Nope," Y/N added.

"To drive it! You know, like, on the street? With the honk-honk and the vroom-vroom and no walking involved," Mike told them.

As he explained, Sulley mocked him while Y/N did the talking thing with her hand.

"Give it a rest, will you, butterball? Come on, you could use the exercise," Sulley told him.

"I could use the exercise?! Look at you two. You have your own climate while Y/N is just Y/N!" Mike responded.

They passed by some kids, who greeted them and they did the same.

Then they saw Tony singing and restocking his store when he saw them.

"Hey, hey, hey! Fellas!" he greeted.

They did the same in their own creative way.

"I hear a couple's close to breaking the all-time scare record," Tony said.

"Ah, just trying to make sure there's enough scream to go around," Sulley responded.

Tony laughed then asked, "And when's the wedding?"

"One more week and this Blue Boy here is mine forever. I mean, he already is, but you know what I mean," Y/N answered.

"Got that right," Sulley smirked, putting an arm around her and kissed her.

"Well, congrats again!" Tony said.

"Thanks!" Sulley replied as they continued walking to work.

"Hey! On the house!" Tony called, tossing them each something to eat and they all caught them.

"Hey, thanks!" Y/N thanked.

"Grazie!" Sulley added.

"Ba-da-bing!" Mike cheered.

They greeted a few more monsters until they made it to a crosswalk and noticed the tall monster beside them.

"Hey, Ted! Good morning!" Sulley yelled.

Ted clucked in response. Then the crosswalk went from "Don't Stalk" to "Stalk" and they crossed the road.

"See that, Mikey? Ted's walking to work," Y/N pointed out.

"Big deal. Guy takes five steps and he's there," Mike shrugged off.


A/N You and Sulley are engaged and have one more week until the wedding! Nice!

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