Chapter 26: The Scream Extractor

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Sulley and Y/N continued to run after G/E/N and Randall until they made it to a dead end with carts of canisters. This made them confused.

"Mike? Mike? Where are you?" Y/N called.

"You in there? Where are you, buddy?" Sulley added.

"Mike?" Y/N said.

"Hey," Boo replied quietly.

While the couple looked for Mike, Boo tried to reach for a pair of pliers until she saw one closer. She moved them and a secret entrance opened and Sulley and Y/N saw this. Boo exclaimed with happy baby talk.

"Boo, way to go," the couple cheered.

She giggled and Y/N picked her up as they looked in the long, dark tunnel. Boo buried her face in Y/N's shoulder in slight fear.

"It's okay," Y/N comforted.

They walked in, only to stop to see the door closed behind them. They kept going until they got to the end of it and continued walking.

They kept going until they heard familiar voices and peeked through some pipes.

"Yes! We got the kid!" G/E/N said harshly.

"Oh, huzzah! That's great news. Not that I was concerned, of course," Fungus remarked.

"Just get over here and help us!" Randall yelled, making Fungus yelp and run to them.

"Come on, come on, come on. While we're young here, Fungus!" G/E/N urged harshly.

Randall opened the cart and all three struggled to get the box out.

"Kid needs to take off a few pounds," Randall commented.

They got to the chair and dumped Mike in it. But when they saw him, they were not thrilled.

"Wazowski?! Where is it, you little one-eyed cretin?" Randall threatened.

"Okay, first of all, it's cree-tin. If you're going to threaten me do it properly. Second of all, you're nuts if you think kidnapping me is going to help you both cheat your way to the top!" Mike stated.

G/E/N chuckled evilly and asked, "You still think this is about that stupid scare record?"

"Well...I did, right up until you chuckled like that and now I'm thinking I should just get out of here," Mike answered, about to get out of the chair.

Before he could leave, the cuffs on a bar came in front of him and Randall secured him.

"We are about to revolutionize the scaring industry and when we do, even the great James P. Sullivan and Y/N M/I M/L/N are going to be working for us," Randall stated.

"Well somebody's certainly been a busy bee," Mike responded nervously.

"First, we need to know where the kid is and you're going to tell us," G/E/N remarked.

"Yeah, I don't know anything," Mike insisted.

"Uh-huh, sure," G/E/N said sarcastically while she and Randall gave Fungus the signal.

"I don't. I mean, I don't. Uh-oh," Mike replied as he heard something coming from the ceiling.

The machine started coming down, scaring Mike in the process.

"What's that? Come on. Wait, wait, wait. Oh-oh. Oh-oh. Oh, come on. No, no, no, no, no. Come on, hey, hey, hey. This thing is moving. I don't like big...moving things that are moving towards me. No! Come on! Hey, Randall! G/E/N!" Mike begged.

"Say hello to the Scream Extractor," Randall said.

"Hello," Mike shuddered.

"Can I do it, Randy?" G/E/N pleaded excitedly.

"Go for it, babe," Randall smirked and they walked to the control panel.

"Come on, where you going? We'll talk. Come on, we'll have a latte! Come on. We can talk about this," Mike begged.

G/E/N shoved Fungus out of the way and turned the machine on. It came to life and got closer and closer to Mike.

"What's that thing? What is that thing? Wait, wait, wait! Stop, stop! No, no! Come on, hey!" Mike shouted in a panic.

As it got closer, Sulley and Y/N immediately sprung into action.

"Help! Help! Help! Help!" Mike yelled.

He shut his mouth, but the machine started sucking his mouth in. But then it shut off.

"Oh, for...What did you do wrong this time?" Randall asked Fungus.

"I don't know. I calibrated the drive--" Fungus started.

"Go check the machine!" Randall commanded.

"There must be something wrong with the scream intake valve. That's the problem with these 3250 units..." Fungus blabbed on.

Randall noticed the cord move and ushered G/E/N to help him investigate. They looked around until G/E/N found the problem.

"Randall, its unplugged," she informed.

"That's odd," he commented.

Meanwhile, Mike was trying to talk Fungus, who was tightening some screws on the machine, into letting him go.

"Psst! Fungus. Fungus. You like cars, huh? 'Cause I got a really nice car. If you let me go, I'll give you...a ride in the car. Please, Fungus?" Mike pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Wazowski, but Randall and G/E/N said I'm not allowed to fraternize with victims of their evil plot," Fungus answered.

Sulley grabbed Fungus, making him gasp and drop his wrench. Mike smiled, knowing he was rescued.

Randall and G/E/N were still confused, but they plugged it back up. But when they got out, Fungus was in the chair and really pale since the machine was working on him.

"What happened?" G/E/N asked.

"Where's Wazowski?" Randall added.

All that came out was muffled screams. Randall turned the machine off and it came off, only for Fungus's lips to be the only part of him that was still red.

"Where is he?!" the two yelled angrily.

Fungus pointed toward the exit. The two left growling then Fungus passed out.


A/N You guys got Mike, but you're not out of the clear yet.

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