Chapter 30: A Fight to Save Boo

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Y/N flew while Sulley went down the hill on the sled. They passed the Abominable Snowman on the way down.

"Hey, I got more snow cones!" he called.

They kept going until Sulley rammed a rock, making him fall and almost lose consciousness in the snow. Y/N landed by him as the lantern went out.

"Sulley? Sulley, wake up," she called.

That's when she heard screaming. That's also what got Sulley up. They looked to see lights coming on in houses: the village! They smiled, got up, and ran for the nearest house.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Chelsea were trying to talk George into scaring someone through the door they chose.

"Oh, come on, now, George. I know you can do this. I picked out an easy door for you-- in Nepal. Nice, quiet Nepal," Charlie persuaded.

"Yeah, you got this, babe," Chelsea added.

"You know, you both are right. Here, take this," George answered, giving her his crutch.

"Go get 'em, Georgie!" Charlie and Chelsea cheered.

Just as he opened the door, he was knocked back by Sulley and Y/N as they ran in the Scare Floor.

"Gangway! Look out! Coming through!" Sulley yelled as they ran towards the exit.

"Sorry, George," Y/N called back.

"Hey, you can't just..." Charlie said, gasped when he saw a sock on George, and exclaimed, "23-19--!"

George grabbed Charlie by the neck, stuffed the sock in his mouth, tossed him through the door, and closed.

"Are you sure that was a good idea?" Chelsea asked.

"Well, it was either that or getting tackled by CDA agents," George shrugged.

"Good point," Chelsea agreed.

Sulley and Y/N kept running through the factory to find Boo.

"Out of the way!" they shouted to monsters as they ran.

"Hey!" one objected.

"Whoa!" another exclaimed.

In Randall's and G/E/N's lair, they strapped Boo in the chair as she whimpered in fear. Waternoose then came in.

"Finally! I never should have trusted you with this. Because of you two, I had to banish my top Scarers!" he said.

"With this machine, we won't need Scarers," G/E/N remarked.

"Besides, M/L/N and Sullivan got what they deserved," Randall added.

"Sullivan and M/L/N were twice the Scarers you will ever be!" Waternoose snapped, making the two monsters growl in response.

Sulley and Y/N finally made it to the secret door and tore it off like nothing.

Fungus started the machine while Randall and G/E/N just smirked as Boo struggled out of the restraints.

"Kitty!" she called.

The machine kept getting closer.

"Birdie!" she called again.

Still no one came. The machine was almost to her face, making her scream, until Sulley and Y/N entered with roars. Sulley forced the machine away from Boo while Y/N got her out of the chair.

"Kitty! Birdie!" Boo exclaimed happily in Y/N's arms.

"Sullivan? M/L/N?" Waternoose questioned.

Sulley kept pushing until it broke and he threw it towards the four monsters, only trapping Waternoose.

"Kitty! Birdie!" Boo cheered again.

"We're sorry, Boo," Y/N apologized as she hugged her close.

"Stop them!" Waternoose commanded.

G/E/N and Randall growled as he turned invisible and she ran to a different part of the lair.

"Let's get you home," Sulley replied.

They ran towards the exit, Sulley getting her card key. Then as they were running, an invisible force punched Sulley while G/E/N ran towards Y/N, knocking her down. They got up, ready to defend Boo.

"Finish them off!" Waternoose commanded.

Y/N and Sulley kept getting hit until they were dazed from hits by canisters and fell to the ground.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that, Sullivan," Randall remarked as he turned visible.

"Same with you, M/L/N," G/E/N smirked.

Y/N and Sulley tried to punch them, but they got out the way with evil chuckles. As they kept inching toward the exit, they were getting punched and kicked until Boo was able to hide. As they got up, a snowball hit Sulley's face. They looked to see who threw it and could not believe who they saw.

"Mike?!" they exclaimed.

"Look, it's not that I don't care about the kid," Mike started.

"Mike, you don't understand," Sulley told him as they tried to look for G/E/N and Randall.

"Yes, I do. I was just mad, that's all. I needed some time to think. But you shouldn't have left me out there," Mike continued.

Y/N and Sulley continued getting beat up when Sulley was pinned and Y/N was picking herself off the ground.

"We're being attacked!" Y/N yelled.

"No, I'm not attacking you guys. I'm trying to be honest. Just hear me out. You guys and I are a team. Nothing is more important than our friendship," Mike kept going as they were still being beaten up, Boo tried to explain, but Mike responded, "I-I-I know, kid. They're too sensitive."

Then Randall, still invisible, started choking Sulley, making him gag. Y/N tried to help, but she was held back to the bars by her throat, making her gag as well.

"Come on, guys. If you two start crying, I'm going to cry and I'll never get through this. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you but I am now," Mike finished.

"Ow!" Boo exclaimed.

Mike was starting to get slightly angry.

"Sulley, Y/N, I am baring my soul here. The least you could do is pay attention!" Mike remarked.

He threw the snowball, but instead of hitting Sulley's face, it hit Randall's. This let Sulley know where Randall was and he punched him, knocking him out. Y/N then grabbed G/E/N's hand, pried it off her throat, yanked her through the bars, and kicked her in the gut, making her fall back and cough for air.

"I've been wanting to do that since college," Y/N growled.

"Hey, look at that-- it's Randall and G/E/N! It's--" Mike started then realized, "Oh."

"Come on!" Sulley urged, grabbing Mike while Y/N got Boo.

"Get up! There can't be any witnesses," Waternoose said.

"There won't be," Randall grumbled.

"Got that right," G/E/N snapped.


A/N You guys rescued Boo and Mike is back! Yay! Now you guys got to get Boo's door.

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