Bonus Chapter: Mike's New Car

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A/N Hi guys! I've actually thought about doing this, but with a little request from @Ari_yeezy, I decided to make that happen. Unlike Operation: Party Central to where I didn't know it existed until someone requested it. Also here's where I found the original script:

So in this, let's say Sulley Jr. (SJ) and Boo (not the human) are two in this.

But anyway, this is for @Ari_yeezy and please enjoy!


Mike led Y/N and Sulley out of the house with their eyes shut.

"Okay, come on. And follow the sultry sound of my voice," Mike urged, pulling them along.

The couple were then stopped at the edge of the steps.

"No peeking," Mike warned.

"Mike?" Sulley called.

"You know SJ and Boo want some 'Uncle Mike Time', right?" Y/N pointed out.

"We'll do that in a minute. Just open your eyes," Mike told them.

They uncovered their eyes to see this huge yellow car parked in front of them.

"Ta-da!" Mike exclaimed then wondered, "What do you think?"

"You got a new car?" Y/N asked, dumbfounded.

"What was wrong with your old one?" Sulley wondered.

Mike shushed them and told them, "Three little words, Sullivan's. Six wheel drive! Come on, get in!"

He sang a bit while Sulley and Y/N approached the car and he hopped in.

"And I thought his old car was his baby," Y/N said.

Sulley chuckled and pointed out, "At least he doesn't treat Celia like this."

"True," she agreed.

Y/N then hopped in the back of the car while Sulley got in the passenger seat, but it was too tall for him.

"It's adjustable," Mike informed about the seat.

So Sulley pressed a button, making his seat go down a lot. He raised up a bit before making it move a little in each direction, making Y/N silently giggle and Mike pretty annoyed.

"WILL YOU CUT IT OUT?!" Mike shouted.

Sulley and Y/N jumped, but she just giggled while Sulley just sat there. He then rose the seat a little high and Mike started the engine, hearing it roar.

"It's like we've released a panther," Mike smirked.

Then Mike attempted to put his seatbelt on, but it was stuck.

"What? What what? Oh! Heh heh heh," he remarked, trying to get the seatbelt to come toward him.

This continued while Y/N and Sulley put theirs on with ease. The struggle was real for Mike until he slipped and fell out of the car, locking himself out.

"Mike, are you okay?" Y/N giggled.

"Yes. Now tell your husband to not just sit there and push the button!" Mike said, shouting at the end.

"He wants you to push the button," she informed her husband.

"Which button?" Sulley wondered.

"I don't know. Just pick one," Y/N told him.

He did and the hood popped up.

(A/N I almost typed "pooped up". 😂)

Mike went to the front and jumped to try and close it.

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