Chapter 42: A Special Surprise

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Y/N and Celia were out shopping, just looking at dresses. Then Y/N felt something strange. Then she gripped the rail as she went down a little.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" Celia asked worriedly.

"C-Celia, it's time. The baby's coming. Get my cell phone out of my purse," Y/N instructed as she helped her up then added, "Get to the car."

Celia got her phone and gave it to her as they exited the store. Y/N dialed Sulley's number as Celia drove the car.

"Hello?" Sulley answered.

"S-Sulley, the baby's coming," Y/N told him, breathing heavily.

"What?! Where are you?" he asked.

"Celia is taking me to the hospital. Get Mike and get over there now. I'll have Celia call Mike to tell you guys the room number," she explained.

"Okay. Hang in there, hon. We'll get there as soon as possible. Love you," Sulley assured.

"Okay. Love you, Blue Boy," Y/N chuckled.

They hung up and Y/N continued breathing heavily.

"Just hold on, Y/N. we're almost there," Celia assured.

Y/N nodded and kept breathing.

What felt like forever even though it was ten minutes, Celia parked the car and they went to the emergency room. She helped Y/N to the front desk.

"Excuse me, ma'am. My friend is about to have a baby," Celia told the nurse.

"Okay. I'll get someone to retrieve her," the nurse said.

Not long after that, they took her and Celia followed them to the room 712. Celia called Mike.

"Hello?" Mike answered.

"Hey, Googley-Bear. Y/N's in Room 712," Celia informed.

"Okay. Thanks, Schmoopsie-Poo. I don't know who's going to need the medicine more. Y/N or Sulley. He's having a panic attack in the passenger seat," he explained.

"How far are you guys?" she asked.

"About five minutes," Mike said.

"Okay. See you then," Celia replied then hung up.

She waited a while in the waiting room until Sulley and Mike came running toward her, making her stand up.

"Celia, is she okay? Has she given birth yet? Is she in pain? I need to know," Sulley asked in a rushed panic.

"Whoa. Hold on, Sulley. She's fine, no she hasn't, and I would imagine so. Just go see her," Celia urged.

Sulley ran up the stairs and to the hospital room. He opened the door to see Y/N breathing heavily as she was given the medication. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw him.

"Hey, Blue Boy," she greeted, holding her hand out.

He took it and said, "Hey, baby. I was worried about you."

"You don't need to be. I've put up with you for 11 years. I can handle a mini-you," Y/N smirked.

"Haha. Very funny," Sulley rolled his eyes with a smile and assured as he put his free paw on her cheek, "You both are going to be okay."

He kissed her and then they waited.

A few hours later, it was time. Y/N pushed as she gripped Sulley's hand. She kept pushing until they heard a baby crying. Out came the baby. Y/N and Sulley cried tears of joy at the sight. Then Y/N felt something else inside her.

"She has twins," the doctor realized, handing the first baby to the nurse.

Y/N kept pushing until the second baby was born. The first was a boy and the second was a girl. The boy had F/C skin like Y/N while the girl had blue fur like Sulley.

(A/N Picture this monster as the twins.)

They took the babies back to get cleaned up and then they gave both of them to Y/N, who looked at them lovingly

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They took the babies back to get cleaned up and then they gave both of them to Y/N, who looked at them lovingly.

"Sulley, we're parents," Y/N smiled as tears went down her face.

Sulley returned both gestures and kissed her forehead.

"Well, which one is Boo?" Sulley asked.

"The girl. We can call the boy...Sulley Jr.," Y/N answered.

"I love it," Sulley smiled.

They kissed then Mike and Celia entered the room. Mike couldn't stop crying from how beautiful it was and Celia had to calm him down. This was a truly beautiful moment.


A/N Aww! You and Sulley are parents now! Awesome!

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