Chapter 15: What to Do With the Kid

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The three monsters lit candles and provided things to keep the girl occupied. She already drew a bunch of pictures.

(A/N Y/N is now wearing pajamas.)

"Ah!" she exclaimed, indicating she was hungry

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"Ah!" she exclaimed, indicating she was hungry.

Sulley and Y/N took turns throwing Cheerios in her mouth from behind the love seat.

"How could I do this? How could I be so stupid?" Sulley scolded.

"Babe, don't beat yourself up over this. I was the one who opened the door," Y/N said.

"But I could've talked you out of it. And now, this could destroy the company," Sulley pointed out.

"The company? Who cares about the company?! What about us? That thing is a killing machine!" Mike exclaimed.

"La-la-la-la-la-la," the girl repeated as she spun around in a circle.

"I bet it's just waiting for us to fall asleep and then wham! Oh, we're easy prey, my friend-- easy prey. We're sitting targets," Mike exclaimed as the girl fell from dizziness, then he continued, "Okay, look, I think I have a plan here. Using mainly spoons, we dig a tunnel under the city and release it into the wild."

"Spoons," Sulley and Y/N stated together.

"That's it, I'm out of ideas. We're closed," Mike said, throwing the now crumpled paper into the overflowing trash can, then continued, "Hot air balloon? Too expensive. Giant slingshot? Too conspicuous. Enormous wooden horse? Too Greek!"

Sulley and Y/N looked back at the little girl who had finished her drawing. She showed it to them and spoke baby talk. It was of Sulley, Y/N, and her holding hands. Sulley looked at it curiously while Y/N was touched by this.

"No plan. No plan. Can't think. Can't think. Flatlining," Mike mumbled to himself.

That's when the other two saw the little girl yawn and look at them sleepily.

"Uh, Mike? I think she's getting tired," Sulley informed.

"Well, then why don't you two find some place for it to sleep...while I think of a plan!" Mike yelled then banged his head on the table.

"Are you sleepy? You want to sleep? Is that what you want? Huh?" Y/N asked the girl, who just looked at her sleepily.


A/N So you three are stuck with a little human girl until further notice. Fun.

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