Chapter 25: What Do G/E/N and Randall Want With Boo?

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"We still don't understand. You've got Boo's door?" Sulley questioned.

"Yeah. How did you manage that?" Y/N wondered.

"I'll explain later. Run," Mike insisted.

They made it to the entrance of the Scare Floor and ran for the station.

"Okay, let's move, let's move, let's move. Come on. Oh, please be there, please be there, please be there," Mike pleaded, saw the door, and cheered, "There it is! Just like Randall and G/E/N said!"

"Randall? G/E/N? Wait a minute," Sulley protested as Y/N landed in shock.

Boo cried out in fear and struggled out of Y/N's arms.

"Oh, hey," she said as Boo jumped out and ran under the table.

"One, two, three, four! Get the kid back through the door!" Mike sang then exclaimed with joy, "We're going to get our lives back. The nightmare is over."

"Hey, it's okay, Boo," Sulley comforted as he picked Boo up.

"What's the matter? Come on, it's time to move!" Mike urged.

"Mike, what are you thinking? We can't trust Randall and G/E/N. They're after Boo," Sulley pointed out.

"Who cares? Let's go. This is a limited time offer," Mike insisted.

"No, no. I don't like this," Sulley said.

"I don't either. There is no way they would actually give us her door freely," Y/N added.

"Look, guys, you wanted her door and there it is. Now, let's move," Mike remarked.

"No, Mike," Sulley refused.

"Not happening," Y/N stated.

Mike sighed and muttered, "You want me to prove everything's on the up-and-up? Fine! They want the door, I get the door."

"Mike, wait!" Sulley protested.

"He's a paranoid, delusional fur ball while she's a scaredy-bird," Mike continued, opened the door, showed there was nothing, and walked inside.

"Mike!" Y/N called.

Mike started jumping on the bed until a box slammed over his body. The couple gasped while Boo let out a little cry. Sulley and Boo hid under the table while Y/N flew to the ceiling. Then out came G/E/N and Randall with the box and they shut the door. Boo whines a little in fear.

"Shh, shh, shh," Sulley shushed her gently.

They put the box in the cart, disguised as canisters, and sent the door back up.

"So now that we got the kid, will you let me use the machine on it?" G/E/N asked flirtatiously as she let her finger trace Randall's jawline.

He smirked and kissed her quickly, which she eagerly returned.

When they stopped, he said, "You know it, babe."

Y/N and Sulley rolled their eyes as they started pushing the cart towards the exit. Then Boo fell forward, letting out a yelp. Randall and G/E/N heard it and he became invisible while she ran to the far end behind another cart.

Sulley and Y/N looked around for a minute but stayed where they were. Just before they were caught, the bell rang and G/E/N and Randall went back to the cart.

Sulley, with Boo in his arms, came out from under the table while Y/N landed gracefully beside him.

"What do we do now, Blue Boy?" she asked.

"We need to find out where they're taking Mike and what they have planned for Boo," Sulley answered.

Y/N nodded and they ran for the exit as monsters started piling in.

"Hey, Sulley, Y/N, where you been all day?" Jerry greeted, they ran past him, and he called in confusion, "Guys? Guys?"


A/N What are you and Sulley about to find out? And will you guys get Mike back?

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