Chapter 33: Boo to the Rescue

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Y/N caught the door just in time and landed on another work area. She opened the door to see Sulley and Mike okay. She pulled them out and hugged them tight.

"I almost lost you guys!" Y/N whispered into Sulley's fur.

"You never will," Sulley assured.

"Got that right," Mike agreed.

Sulley and Y/N kissed for a minute until they remembered they're missing one more person.

"Boo!" Y/N and Sulley called.

They all looked around until they spotted the two monsters and Boo.

"There they are!" Sulley pointed out.

They ran to the edge and Sulley climbed on the railing.

"Sulley, what are you doing? Sulley!" Mike asked.

He jumped and grabbed a door while Mike did the same and Y/N flew beside Sulley.

"Looks like we caught the express, guys," Mike called.

"Do you see them?" Sulley asked.

"Straight ahead!" Y/N pointed out.

"No..." Boo whined, which made Randall nudge her to keep quiet.

Sulley went from door to door until he almost fell, making the door he was on ram into others, which caught Randall's and G/E/N's attention. They went inside the door with Boo. Sulley swung back and forth until Y/N opened the door and he jumped through the door to see Boo by herself.

"Kitty! Birdie!" she exclaimed happily.

"Boo!" they greeted.

Then Randall swung from the ceiling, knocking Sulley backwards and out the door, making him hold on.

"Sulley!" Y/N shouted.

Before she could help him, G/E/N came from behind her and held her in a head lock.

"You're next," she whispered with a smirk.

Then Randall approached the door.

"Look at everybody's favorite Scarers now! You stupid, pathetic waste!" he shouted.

He stepped on one of Sulley's hands, making him hold tight by the other.

"No!" Y/N screamed while Boo whimpered in fear.

"You two have been number one for too long, Sullivan. Now your time is up! And don't worry. We'll take good care of the kid," Randall smirked, making Sulley hold on by only two fingers.

"No!" Sulley remarked.

Y/N cringed in pain as G/E/N twisted one of her arms behind her tightly. That's when Boo had had enough. She leapt on Randall and began tugging on his head, making him change colors and yell in pain. G/E/N was too shocked at that and in the process, she loosened her grip by a lot. Y/N took that moment to flip her over and punch her. Sulley got up and Boo started hitting Randall in the head with a baseball bat as he changed colors and exclaimed in pain. Then Sulley grabbed Randall by the throat and tail after Boo leapt off and Y/N got G/E/N on her knees and held her arms tightly behind her back. Boo growled ferociously yet adorably at them.

"She's not scared of you two anymore," Sulley stated.

Boo roared in agreement.

"Looks like you both are out of a job," Y/N smirked.

This made Randall and G/E/N gulp in fear, not knowing what they would do to them.


A/N Boo saved the day and you guys got Randall and G/E/N! Awesome!

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