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~America, England, and sealand are sitting on top of a tall building talking well more America~

America: wait if their is UsUk does that mean that sealand is our kid?

England: *blushing* I-I don't know...

America: well if he is I'm the dad cause I ain't giving birth.

Sealand: DADDY!! *hugs America*

England: =__= why do I have to be the woman?

America: because I'm the hero! *does epic pose as holding sealand in his arms*

England: hey America put sealand down and follow me...

America: okay! *puts sealand down*

England: *at the edge of the building* come stand right here.

America: okay iggy! *stands at the edge*

England: perfect... *pushes America off the edge*

~America falls to his death~


America: *comes up flying in the air like superman* I told you I'm the hero and your still the woman.

England: bloody American...

Sealand: DADDYS ALIVE!!! YAY!!

I got really board don't ask...

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