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Writer: okay so I'm so slap happy now since I found out that I have over 4k reads. You people are amazing so now to show my appreciation.... *drum roll* okay stop with the drums!! *drums stop* okay I'm gonna do something random in front of the countries. I know it's not much but they are amazing and I may scar them for life.


Writer: *goes in front of the axis and starts to act like a chicken and roar like a lion*

Italy: uh... Germany? Is-a writer-chan okay?

Germany: I don't know but this is disturbing.

Japan: I am surprisingly curious if this could happen to a chicken....

Germany: japan! That would never happen!

Japan: *shrugs* you never know.

~even more later with America England and Sealand~

Writer: hey guys!

America: hey dude!

England: hello!

Sealand; writer-chan am I a country?!

Writer: su- *screams and jumps into England*

England: ah! *stumbles a little and catches writer*

America: dude writer are you okay.

Sealand: what's wrong?

England: bloody hell... Can I just put you down now?

Writer: *crying ((it's fake!!!)) //shh!!!! Shut up!!// ((Make me!)) okay! ((....)) //hehe...//* there was cricket and I step on it and now I hear it's children crying...

America: what the... Are you sure you didn't hit your head when you were little?

Writer: I hit it many of times but nothing serious.

England: please can I put you down?

Writer: no I need iggy the pirates protection.


America: YEAH!!


Writer: THE CRICKETS AR SCREAMING!!!! *sobbing uncontrollably^

England: *pits writer on the ground and backs away slowly*

America: *grabs sealand and flys away*

~even more later~

Writer: *skips over to France* hey France!

France: hello~

Writer: guess what my dream was!

France: of me being your true love?

Writer: no it involved you though.

Feance: just tell me.

Writer: fine.. Well it started in a barn where the pigs had dragon wings and killed people with flammable rainbows. *continues on and on*

France: O.O

~later with Russia and Prussia who are fighting~

Writer: *pops up infront of them* JSJSOENSBWNDNSKANDBSKSNDNDNSJDBD ((you ran out of ideas...)) //shut up!// ((no.)) //damn it...//

Russia: uh... Writer you okay da?

Prussia; that's so unawesome.

Writer: *storms away screeching stuff* ((you really have no idea what your doing.)) //I SAID SHUT UP!// ((fine fine...)) //good.// ((....))

Prussia: what the hell just happened?

Russia: I don't know...

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