Secrets Revealed.!!!

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Chapter :14

[A/N].........Heey guys sorry for the long update coz im so busy in school...OMO...The Lost Planet in Manila will be on August..Gosh i don'T think i can go...:uuhhh...but i should finish this story...hope you'll like it...Vote and Comment..!!....^^~

Kais POV

I know that Vylet have many secrets...ill find out that secrets...i should talk to her....

I m now infront of Vylets door....i feel really nervous coz i dont know what will happen inside...i slowly opened the door and seek inside and i saw her sitting inthe floor at the end of her bed....i slowly walk towards her ..and she suddenly looked at me...i jumped coz i was shock...."What are you doing here Kai,you can't just enter my room without asking permi........."..."Sssshhhhh they might here you,i came here coz i want to tell you something...!!"..i covered her mouth coz her voice were so loud...."Oh Okay..sit wht is it..!!??"...."Uh i would tell about the password in your phone before....,Do you like Baekhyun!!??"..he whispered and asked me..."Uh uh..keep this as a secret ok..just keep it just between us....okay..!!"..i whispered back...."okay go ahead..!"..."ok ..this is it...I had a Plastic surgery so Baekhyun and you guys cant recognize helped me....!!"..."ba-but why do you have to do that...???" ..."because of Baekhyun..He lied on me after that,i met Luhan again,Luhan is my exBF when we were in highschool..."so you already knew Luhan before...!!!"...."Yes...before you guys...!"...he became my bestfriend when i met him again and he always there to help me and he makes my problems i love him as my bestfriend...!!"..."ah so You are really Teayeon..right.???"...."Yes...and i pretend that im dead on Baekhyun so he wont depend that im still living...!!"..."aahh...okay your secrets are safe to me..dont worry..!!"..."Thanks Kai...!!..she suddenly hugged me with no reason..."Uuhhh..!!" speechless..."Oh sorry Kai...really sorry hehe...!!"..."no its im going back now..good night....!!"..."ok Kai Thanks for the time..Nado..^^!!"...she smile really cute and then i smiled back and exited her room...Shes so cute...^0^ sleepy now...

When im heading back to my dorm i saw Baekhyun sitting on the Bench outside the i didnt mind him coz im to tired to talk to him...-_-

Baekhyuns POV

I decided to go outside to refresh some air...when i saw Kai entering Vylets room so i hid myself back...when he finally enters ,the room...i quickly run into Vylets door...and try to hear for are they talking for...i cant really hear them talking coz the door was close so i really try to hear it...meanwhile i heard Kai asking Her about the password oh her phone...*what is it thouhg...i thought....She answered.."Keep this as a secret okay..keep it just betwe......"...uuhh damn i cant really hear them coz they only whispering..."I had i Plastic Surge......"...*what is that..did she just say plastic surgery...or what..???..i asked myself...

Suddenly Mr.Lee appeared from the elevator...i Quickly run into a tall plant beside the wall to hide myself...i cant go back coz Mr.Lee was there trying to call someone so i quickly run to the elevator and press the botton...i enter the elevator and headed outside the building and sit on a thinking about what i heard from them.."Plastic Surgery...!!"..really..???...but who is she..i need to talk to her again tom...15 minutes from now...i can hear footsteps from the i thought thats was i dont mind him...i should go now..theres no one in here already....i went back into my dorm in silent so no one can hear my footsteps....i opened my door slowly and closed it and lye on my bed and sleep....

[A/N].........Yow...Chingoos did you enjoy this Chapter...please vote and comment Thank you...^_~...!!!!

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