The Reality

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                                                                           Chapter : 16

            I woke in the Morning coz the alarm clock that Mr. Lee give to me rang...."Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing...!!"....(-3-)".....i tried to reached it but..."Bang."...i fell on the floor and the door opened and while lying on the floor i saw Kai and Chanyeol luaghing...."Aaahhh  you two..!!...leave me alone...!!!"..i stood up and walk towards them.."Get out..get out..get ou..!!!! fools how dare you to luagh at me huh...get lost...Really this morning....!!!"....i shouted,their eyes widen...i slammed the door and jumped ontu the bed....i checked my phone and there was a message from Mr.Lee....

"/You have a photoshoot today so be ready until 3:30 PM...tell the exo members to come with you at the Beach okay...!!/"...uuuhhh...oh yeah im too cool for this thing...haha...i thought....

Knock knock knock..."Can i come in..??..this is Baekhyun...i wanna tell you something...!!"...."Okay come in..!!"...he opened the door and walk infront of me..."What is it,....???"...he kneeled infront of me..."please...why are so mad at me anytime...did i do something wrong..tell me..please...!??"..."N No no...stand up and sit beside me..dont worry im not mad at just not in the mood sometimes...!!!"...he sitted beside me and hugged me...."wha- what are you doing...get off me...!!"...he let go eo me..."i need to buy some food,im is that all you want to tell me..???"..."Yes..No...uuuhh...yes    ..okay ill going back noy....!!"..i can see on his face fading like dissapointed...he left the room silently....i let out a sigh and headed to the bathroom and took a Bath...after taking a bath i dressed myself...i left my room and walked into the elevator...

Im now out of the building hotel and waited for a taxi to pick me up...a taxi stop and the driver opened the door and make me sit inside the car....i told the driver to bring me in a place where i can buy some foods that i like...he dropped me in a  place that has so many stores.....i went into a store and buy some foods...when i was about to walk into a next store when i bumped into someone...."aaawww...Sorry ma'am...are you hurted..???"..."Im okay,im okay,,,Sor.................."...when she looked at me her eyes widen..."Mo-Mom...????"..."Who-whos mom..??...Me..???!"..she was shocked..."No my daughter was're not her...!!"..."No mom its me Teayeon,remember..??,,,you call me YHoney everytime mom...!!!"....i grabbed her arms .."..Te -Teayeon is that you...!! really had changed..."..."yes mom...i miis you so much...!!!".....suddenly a guy appeard behind mom...i let go of moms arms.."Hi baby,whos with you..who is she..???"... the guy asked mom.."Uhhh..Mom who is he..!??"...i asked confusingly..."Uhhh Honey this is Jeric you step father...!!"..."I-i don't understand step father..!!..i thought you'll never change said appa was the only guy that you loved...!!!??" held my left hand.."No,let go of me,,mom,,why did you do this..!!??"...i feel tears rolling down on my cheeks.." really don't understand Teayeon,,your father died 10 years ago,so we have to move on Teayeon...Please understand...!!!"..."No mom ,you promised that you'll never Love a guy again ...!!...i won't forgive you mom...atleast you have forgotten me ,right..!!??"..."What ,No!!"...."But why didn't you search for me,,why didn't you find me in this 2 years...???"...."Coz i tought you were so sorry Teayeon ,please forgive me...!!"...i can see she was already crying and the guy behind mom was just 'Whats going on here..??' look on his face...people around us were staring on us..."No mom,,,Im not dead,,,who said that im already dead....!!!"..."Uhhh,just please stop,,i really tought you were dead,coz i've never seen you since 2 years...!!"..."oohh mom,,stop the mumblings,,,i know it already that you have forgot about me...!!" kneeled infront of me..."Please forgive me...!!"...i just ignored mom and told her to stand up..."Mom, just forget that you have me,just forget that you have a loving daughter,,,just go with that two are such a Liar...Mom stood up and face palmed me..."I won't forget all of this mom...your sorry will not make my decissions change..Just go..!!!"...i shouted...when i was about to walk away from when mom spoke..."you're only adopted Teayeon...!!"...that word 'Adopted' made me stop.."What,,,A-im only lied to me....!!!!"..."You're parents died in a bomb explotion...before that explotion,your mom gave you to me,,to keep you and to protcet you...!!"..."But why didn't you tell me this early years...!!! know mom,,thankyou for telling me the truth,,i will let you go for now on...!!!".....i run away from them as fast as i can..i feel tears running down on my cheeks..i wiped it quickly and find a taxi to picked me...i picked a taxi and quickly jumped in....

The driver drooped me in a beached coz i told him...i run beside the beach..."You all are such a Liar..,,i wont forget all of this things in my head...!!!!!!!!!!!!"...i shouted loudly...

[A/N]......Yeehhhyyy...hope you liked this chapter...

oohh...After what happened to Kris..its affecting me...i Miss Kris already.....sorry guys that Kris wasn't in the Story...sorry,sorry(mianhaeyo..)...Please vote and Comment...Thank you..!!

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