Baekhyuns Love <3

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                                                                            Chapter : 16

........i took off my jacket and my sheos...i steped on the water and i felt so i decided to go farther..."I think i'm already i want to kill myself...!!"...i whispered...i gazed around the sea and only i can see is the reflect of the moon..."Why is my life like this...God please help me for all my problems..i cant take it anymore..its too hard for me to know the Realities..."..i tought and i felt a tear rolling down my face....suddenly i heard a voice of a guy shouting.."Heey ,,what are you doing there,its already dark there,,come back here,,dont kill youself...!!"......i turned around and i saw Baekhyun...why is this guy here,did he just followed me..."Why are you here,,leave me alone,,i dont need you..!!!"...i shouted back..."Vylet,,,Vylet,,godness,,,why are there..are trying to kill youself huh..??!!"....what the he recognized me...shiit..!!...i turned around and just ignored him...meanwhile i heared the water sflashing...i turned around and i saw Baekhyun without his shirt and running to reach me..."What the Baekk....why did you took off your shirt...stay away from me..uuhh..!!!"...Baekhyun approached me and grabbed my arm..."Lets go..Mr. Lee is so mad at you,,Why didn't you go to your photoshoot,,where have you been..!!"..."Aaaw,,slow down Baekk,,it none of your busness that where i have been,,duuhh,,!!!"....i saw Baekhyun sflashing water on to my face,..."Stop it,,its cold,,,uuh..!!"...."Hahaha...i wont stop...bleh..",...such a kid,,he'd never change ,,really..!!..i pushed baekhyun and now he's all wet....haha..."Why did you do that,,look what have you done,,,!!"...."..haha you said you wont stop,,so i pushed you...!!!"...Baekhyun pulled my waist and hugged me..."Get off me,,its cold,,your wet,,!!!"..."No i wont ,,so you will be wet to...!!"..i face Baek and he did too..."You look just like Teayeon ,,Really,,,"...He whispered.."Huh..Me,,Teayeon.??..No.."....i feel my heart was gonna expoled in this situation...i think im inlove with him again...Baekhyun were getting nearer into my face..he looked at my lips ,,,*OMO i know this already,,like Chanyeol did Before...*...i tought..."Baekhyun im afraid to do this..!!"....i felt  that im shaking..."No..,its okay.."..."You're not even my boyfriend or what,,.."....Baek let a sigh out and Face me again.."You know,,Teayeon said that before too...when i look ontu your eyes,the vision of Teayeons eyes appeared...!!" face was looks Blank..."Are you sure that i'm Teayeon..huh..???...".."No,,But..uhh.."...Baekhyun suddenly kissed eyes widen..i can see his angelic eyes,,he's so cute...i closed my eyes too..and the past was just like going back and a tear rool down on my cheek....Baekhyun slowly broke the kiss and he saw me crying..."Why are you crying..did it hurt you..!!??".."No,im okay,,"...i nodded and wiped the tear...."When i kissed you,,i remember Teayeon that when i kissed her too...i feel that Vylet and Teayeon are only one person..."/..i didn't answer...the sea was field of silence,,,i decided to break the silence..."ahh Baek,,i wanna ask you something..??"......"uuhh Okay what is it my Jagi..??"..."Do- Do you like me..??"...."Yes,,i dont like you , i love you Yeon..."...he puuled me and kissed my forehead...."your shaking Jagi...we should go back to the hotel now...its cold and dark in here...!!".....i can see ontu his face that he's blushing,and happy...*is this real for now,i dont want to be hurt again...*...i tought...Baekhyun pick his shirt on the ground and and dressed himself....

We walked to reach the hotel coz its only a distance...."By the way Baek,,how did you know that im at the beached...???"....i just saw walking towards the Baech and so does i followed you...."...i just nodded and when we reached the building,,,i saw Mr. Lee sitting on a bench Baek and i hid in a Big bush beside the street,,,we slowly walk to reached the main door of the hotel..."i Think Mr. Lee is waiting for us..haha..."..Baek whispered...i just smiled and keep walking...

...Finally we reached the door and we quickly run inside....we looked at each other...and suddenly Baekhyun luaghed and i luaghed back silently...we headed into the elevator and when the elevator opened,,,,"0"....Chanyeol appeared..."Where were you two been,,Mr.Lee were trying to call you,,but you are not answering his call...!!!"...we quickly jumped ontu the elevator and covered Chanyeols mouth,,,"ssshhhhiiiii,,,be quiet,,we were just at the beached..."...the door closed and Chanyeol took off my hands from his mouth..."aahh really,,okay i won't tell the others and mr.lee too..."...

...we reached the 23rd floor of the hotel...we jumped out of the elevator and say goodnight to each other,except Chanyeol..,,"i just going to call mr.lee outside..don't worry i will tell mr.lee that you two are here 30 min. ago,okay,,,!!"...chanyeol walked inside the elevator and the elevator closed....i let a sigh out and i looke at baekk and luaghed again to eachother....

...when we reached my hotel room,,,Baekhyun plant a kiss on my forehaed and sais Goodnight my Jagiya..."...he whispered and i just nodded...i hugged him and he hugged me back...."good night too..(Nado).....i entered my room and baek left outside....

i jumped and jumped of happiness...and shouted Yes..!!!..>_~...

[A/N]......Yeeehheeeyyy....i finally finished this chapter..if you have questions just shoot me in the comment box..i'll answer it all...and don't forget to Vote...Kamsahamnida...~~^^~~

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